Monday, August 17, 2015

This Week's ELA: Tuck Everlasting & Walk Two Moons, Week 1

Monday – Write your spelling words in your agenda CORRECTLY, in ABC order.
Tuesday – Wednesday (due Thursday): Choose one of the following:
            A. Spelling cipher: Create a code and spell out your words using your code.        (Write the word and its code.) Be sure to include your cipher key!
            B. Write your spelling words 3x each, two times in print and one time in cursive.
            C. Color-coded words: Write your words using a color-coded pattern.  Include a             key.  (For example, consonants/vowels, long/short vowels, etc.)

1. return                                                   11. comfortable                    21. impress*
2. returned                                              12. defend*                           22. impressed
3. returning                                             13. defended                                    23. impressing
4. restore                                                 14. defending                       24. impression
5. restored                                              15. defense
6. restoring                                             16. defensive                                    *These four do not
7. restoration                                          17. respect*                          need to be written in
8. comfort            *                                              18. respected                       your agenda.
9. comforted                                           19. respecting
10. comforting                                        20. respectable

Due Thursday- Choose One:
A.    Sentences: Use each word in an original sentence. Bonus: Create a story                             instead of random sentences!
            B.        Online vocabulary game(s) - Write down the website you used and have              a parent sign that you practiced this week's words.

1. contemplation- careful thought
2. accessible- something we can get to
3. frantic- worked up and/or worried
4. exasperated-annoyed
5. remnant- a part of something left over
6. reluctantly- not wanting to do something
7. dismay- concerned or being upset
8. abruptly- suddenly and without warning

IRA (Independent Reading Activity) (Due Friday!):
            We have discussed three different types of connections that readers make as they read: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world.  As you read in your independent reading book this week, write down three connections that you make to your book.  Describe the passage in the story and how you connect to that passage.  Make one “text-to-self” connection, one “text-to-text” connection, and one “text-to-world” connection.  Be sure to identify each connection you make by type.  Also include what type of connection it is.  Turn in the connections assignment on Friday.  Don’t forget to include your book’s title, along with the correct heading on your paper.

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