Thursday, December 19, 2013


The holiday presentations have been terrific!  We've learned so much about our neighbors around the globe.

Finish your genre project if you haven't already!
Please finish any "old" AM assignments.
Make corrections to the math Module 10 and/or Module 11 assessments (if needed).
Study for the ch. 4 science test!
Study spelling & vocabulary too.

Finish coloring the Trim the Fractions math extra credit if you would like a little extra math help before the nine weeks ends.

Do you have your 6 books/250,000 words for this nine weeks?  Friday is the deadline!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Thank you so very much for your generosity this holiday season!  The holiday presentations have been so interesting.  Our party was a huge success.  Thank you!

Our science test will be Friday instead of tomorrow.  Sp/vocab choices are due tomorrow.  The tales Venn diagram genre project is due on Friday.  We will be taking our reading, spelling, and vocab tests then too.

Monday, December 16, 2013

This Week's ELA

Yes, we still have (some) school work this week!  The kids should enjoy this week's trickster play.

Spelling & Vocabulary: Unit 4, Week 5          “Catch of the Day”

Spelling & vocabulary choices are due by Thursday.  A spelling sort (see below) would be a great choice.
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     ambulance
2.     brilliance
3.     balance
4.     performance
5.     attendance
6.     residence
7.     dependence
8.     hesitance
9.     substance
10.  absence
11.  assistance
12.  persistence
13.  ignorance
14.  radiance
15.  appearance
16.  reluctance
17.  disturbance
18.  importance
19.  resistance
20.  distance

review words: creature, pressure, measure
challenge words: vigilance, inference

Two syllable words –ance (4)                        Three syllable words –ance (12)
Two syllable words –ence (1)                        Three syllable words –ence (3)

Tues.-Wed.: Finish your spelling & vocabulary choices. [Edited @ 2:30 PM Monday]
Thursday: Continue to study for your test on Friday!

1.     appreciation
2.     riverbank
3.     burdens
4.     treasurer
5.     educate
6.     unfortunate
7.     merchandise
8.     wares

TESTED SKILLS: analogies & synonyms, author’s purpose

GRAMMAR: pronouns, contractions, and homophones


Friday, December 13, 2013


Our class earned their much-coveted 100 stars today!  I am so proud of the entire class and their great behavior.  Dr. John Barge, State Superintendent, visited our school and our classroom today, and he complimented the students on their work.  Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!

The class voted to have our reward party this coming Monday on top of their movie field trip.  (No delayed gratification for them!)  Students may wear their PJs.  I will be providing a special snack and would welcome your contributions too if you'd like.

We are still having our holiday party Wednesday at 12:45.  Thank you!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Orange folders went home today w/our practice writing test scores and a letter from the principal.  We also have the permission slip for our movie field trip on Monday, 12/16.  No slip, no trip!!!!  You can turn in the $5 later if you need to.  (We will be seeing the movie in 3-D and the $5 includes popcorn and a drink.  Fifth grade is subsidizing the cost of this trip for all of our students with our snack fundraiser money.)

Don't forget that spelling & vocabulary choices are due on Thursday.  Continue to work on your holiday informational writing/presentation and your tales project (Venn diagram).  Thanks!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Finish any AM and/or make corrections if you have them.

Start on spelling & vocabulary choices- due Thursday.

Work on tales project and/or holiday project.

This Week's ELA: The Unbreakable Code

Unit 5, Week 4: “The Unbreakable Code”

SPELLING Suffixes:
Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     emptiness
2.     gladness
3.     bottomless
4.     foolishness
5.     harmless
6.     fullness
7.     fierceness
8.     darkness
9.     effortless
10.  forgiveness
11.  motionless
12.  stillness
13.  sadness
14.  needless
15.  fearless
16.  hopeless
17.  ceaseless
18.  weakness
19.  meaningless
20.  fondness

Challenge words: weightlessness, thoughtlessness

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

1.     enlisted: (v) joined the military voluntarily
2.     invasion: (n) entering of an army into a region to conquer it
3.     location: (n) an exact position or place
4.     corridor: (n) a long, narrow hallway or passageway
5.     shield: (n) a person or thing that protects against danger, injury, or distress
6.     sagged: (v) drooped down in the middle from weight
7.     reservation: (n) land set aside by a government for a special purpose, such as for Native American tribes to live on
8.     creased: (adj) characterized by lines or marked by wrinkling

Tested Skill: Generating questions & author’s perspective

Grammar Focus: Comparative Adjectives

No IRA this week!

Friday, December 6, 2013

St. Nicholas Day

We are kicking off our "holidays around the world" celebration today with Mrs. Dyer presenting Christmas in France and the legend of St. Nicholas.  We each enjoyed a mini "buche de Noel" or yule log dessert.

Students also signed up for their date for their holiday presentation.  Holiday reports are due no later than 12/13.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Finish math WB p. 111-112.
Finish IRA (author's craft).

Work on holiday project and/or tales genre project.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.

Work on holiday informational report and/or reading your fairy tales.

*Math WB p. 111 (7-11) & p. 112 are due Friday.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013


Happy December!  I hope that everyone had a very blessed, relaxing Thanksgiving.

We have lots to do this month!  We are starting two separate (but possibly related) projects: the December "tales" genre project and our winter holiday project.  The winter holiday project is due first and includes a written report about the holiday and a presentation.  We will set the dates for the presentations tomorrow or Wed. for the next week or so. 

*Please sign & return the Tales genre project sheet.
Finish spelling sheet Greek roots predictions.
Finish AM.

This Week's ELA: The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

Spelling/Vocabulary 6.1: The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

Greek Roots: Based on your spelling list and prior knowledge, what do you think each root means?  Fill in the blanks in pencil!  We will check your predictions Tuesday.

astr/aster = ________________________ photo = ________________________

tele = ________________________  phon =________________________

mech = ________________________ myth = ________________________

Spelling choice is due Thursday, 12/5.

1.     myth
2.     telescope
3.     astronomer
4.     homophone
5.     automatic
6.     telegraph
7.     disaster
8.     autograph
9.     mechanic
10.   telephoto
11.   astronaut
12.   telephone
13.   mythical
14.   phonics
15.   television
16.   photograph
17.   automobile
18.   photography
19.   telegram
20.   mechanical

Vocabulary choice is due Thursday, 12/5:
1.     dismiss: to take away the job of, fire
2.     intentions: plans to act in a certain way; purposes
3.     despair: complete loss of hope
4.     bridle: the part of a horse’s or donkey’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or control the animal
5.     descended: moved from a higher place to a lower one
6.     accompany: to go together with
7.     delicacies: rare or excellent food
8.     consented: gave permission or agreed to

IRA: Author's Craft
            Look for at minimum a sentence and better yet a passage that really impresses you with how the author writes.  Was it their word choice?  How they slowed down a moment?  Their “show don't tell” technique?  On Friday, be prepared to share your author's cool craft with the class.  You need to turn in a copy of this author's craft with the passage highlighted (or feel free to hand copy the passage and include the page number).  Write down what struck you about this particular part.

Grammar Focus: Adverbs

This Month's Genre: Tales

The literary genre “tales,” also known as folktales, includes any traditional, usually anonymous, story handed down orally among a culture. The stories might be fairy tales, tall tales, or fables. Legends and myths also fall into this category.
Your genre project this month is to read at least two folktales and create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two tales. Remember, a Venn diagram uses two interlocking circles where similarities go in the middle and differences go in the outer circles. Your Venn diagram may be on paper of your choice but please not larger than half a sheet of poster board.
You must read both of the tales that you use, and you may NOT use the Disney versions of either tale. (You also may not use tales read aloud in class as one of your two choices.) They do not have to be AR books or stories. You need to read two stories that are of the same type, such as two tall tales, two different myths about the same general idea (for example, why the sun and moon are not in the sky at the same time), two different versions of the same fairy tale, etc. You may read a traditional fairy tale and then compare it to its “fractured” or “modern” version.
Please get your two tales approved no later than 12/9 before you begin your Venn diagram. Be sure to have the book(s) at school when you get approval.
To earn an A on your folktale genre project, you must include the origin of each of your tales, any author or illustrator listed, the title of each tale, and at least 8 excellent comparisons in each of the three sections of your diagram. Neatness, including correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, are very important. Feel free to illustrate your project. Your Venn diagram must be turned in by Friday, December 20. The project will count as two test grades. Below is the rubric that will be used to determine your score.

Tale # 1: Tale #2
title of tale ____/3 title of tale ____/3
author or illustrator ____/2 author or illustrator ____/2
origin of tale ____/2 origin of tales ____/2
at least 8 excellent differences ____/24 8(+) excellent differences ____/24
at least 4 excellent similarities ____/12 4(+) excellent similarities ____/12
illustration ____/2 illustration ____/2
overall correct spelling, ____/5 overall neatness ____/5
punctuation, and grammar Bonus points ____
TOTAL: ____/100

*Parents, you have a legible copy to sign tonight as part of your child's homework.
We are going to the library at 10:30 today to get started on this project, 
so excuses won't fly this month! ;)

Virtual Nerd Online Video Tutorials

Here's a new free website geared toward Common Core: Virtual Nerd online videos.  I would love for you to check them out and write a review for extra credit! I believe there are math and science videos available.

Monday, November 25, 2013


We had a great craft day today!  Thank you to everyone who was able to help and/or send in delicious goodies.

We are going to complete a winter holiday research project in December.  Students selected a holiday topic in class today so that they can begin their research.  (We will go to the library on Monday.)  They have to write a report about the holiday and present their information to the class.  They can choose how they present their holiday to the class, and we will develop a presentation schedule to begin around 12/11.  (Food is a bonus but certainly not required.  These kids love to eat!)  Watch the agenda for specific dates.

Study for 1920s-30s test tomorrow.  There will be a notes check (4 total sets of notes).

Finish reading your historical fiction and finish your genre travel brochure.

Tomorrow is an early release day.  Have a very safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!  Count your blessings!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

CHAMPS Graduation

Congratulations to our CHAMPS graduates!  Our class roll model is Malachi, and Hannah T. is not only our class essay winner, but she was selected as the overall 5th grade essay winner.  All of the 5th graders were very well behaved.  Great job!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Our Champs graduation is tomorrow at 9 AM in the gym.  Parents are invited to attend!  (Please sign in at the office first.)  Be sure to wear your jeans and sneakers for the ceremony.

Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.

Math WB p. 107-108 is due Friday.  Students must complete the two word problems on p. 107 PLUS five other problems of their choosing.  They need to complete all of p. 108.

The social studies 1920s-'30s test will be next Tuesday.

Have you finished your historical fiction?  The genre project is due Tuesday also.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Students have their signed papers today.  If you do not see the WWI social studies test, the Unit 3 math test, and/or the Ch. 3 science test in the packet, it is because your child has chosen to make corrections to improve his/her grade.  We will not send home signed papers next Tuesday, but rather on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, so it should catch up with you then.

If you can't access PowerSchool to check grades, stop by the school office to sign up.  Unfortunately, I do not have the authority/access to help with Parent PowerSchool.

For homework tonight:
Finish sci. WB p. 64-68.
Finish final draft of My Favorite Special persuasive writing.

*Don't forget that your historical fiction travel brochure is due no later than next Tuesday!
*The 1920s/1930s social studies test will be next Tuesday.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Finish your spelling chart.  Be sure to know when to use each form of the verb (especially that the past participle form is used with has, had, and/or have).

Finish vocabulary definitions ON YOUR OWN PAPER!

Work on your historical fiction novel if you haven't finished it, and your genre project travel brochure if you have finished.  These are due NO LATER THAN 11/26.

*Don't forget that our CHAMPS graduation is this Thursday at 9 AM in our gym.  Parents are encouraged to attend.  Students should wear jeans and sneakers to school.  They will be receiving a CHAMPS t-shirt to wear and keep.  (We talked about wearing a long-sleeved shirt and then slipping on the CHAMPS shirt over our own shirts.  The CHAMPS t-shirt is light blue with a red, white, and blue logo.)

Hooda Math

Hooda Math is a really fun math website with lots of free games.  I hear that it runs well on an iPad too.  You can find games by math domain (such as fractions) and by grade level (K-8).  Check it out!

You can easily find this math website and many more up in the Math Website tab, above.

Craft Day Coming Soon!

If you can volunteer your time for our Craft Day this coming Monday, 11/25, please let me know.  I welcome your ideas and/or materials even if you can't attend.  We will start crafting around 8:30, and my goal is to be finished by 11:00. 

This Week's ELA: 11/18-22

Out of the Dust, Week 2

Spelling: Irregular Verbs
Some verbs do not form the past tense and the past participle by adding -d or -ed. (The past participle is used with the helping verbs have, has, and had. For this week's spelling, you need to know how to spell all three forms of the verb. You will be tested on the past and past participles. Complete this chart Monday (due Tues.). Your spelling choice activity is due Thursday.


past tense
past participle
have, has, and had

Vocabulary: Out of the Dust, Summer 1934, Autumn 1934, and Winter 1935
On your own paper, look up the definition and part of speech for each word (due Tuesday). Don't panic if you can't immediately find the word. You may need to drop a suffix, especially the past tense -ed. Your vocabulary choice activity is due Thursday.
  1. chafed
  2. stupor
  3. writhed
  4. tufts
  5. octaves
  6. grizzled
  7. excavating
  8. revue
  9. festered
  10. biddies

This Week's IRA: Suffix Hunt
Find at least 10 words with 10 different suffixes. Explain what the suffix means and what the word means (due Friday). Include your book title and the page number where you found each word.

*Your historical fiction book and travel brochure needs to be completed no later than next Tuesday, 11/26.  Please don't forget!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today Ms. Sheila from Smithgall Woods came to our school and gave fifth graders a terrific snake presentation!  Some of the things were learned are:
  • Snakes' teeth point back into their mouths so the prey goes down easier and can't escape easily.
  • For every one snake you kill, you're allowing 200 rats or mice to live!  (YUCK!  Long live the snakes!)
  • Some snakes can grow to be 6-8 feet long, but they don't live up here in Blairsville.
  • Snakes are more afraid of us than we are of them.
  • Some snakes play "dead" as a form of defense or protection.
  • Venomous snakes cannot climb trees.  They're too fat!  If you see a snake in a tree, it is nonvenomous.
  • It is illegal to kill nonvenomous snakes in Georgia.
Ms. Sheila showed us the importance of snakes in our food chain.  The sun (Eli) produces energy to make the corn (Rob) grow.  The mouse eats the corn, and then the snake eats the mouse.

Tonight's homework:
*Study for science Ch. 3 test (Friday).
*Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.
*Have you read your historical fiction for this month's genre project?  If not, get it and read!  If so, work on your brochure.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Can you believe today is 11/12/13? 

Please sign & return progress reports and signed papers.

Work on sp/vocab choices and IRAs.


Please be sure to dress very warmly tomorrow!  It will be the coldest day we've had in a long time.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Happy Veterans Day!  We paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to remember how this day came to be and why we celebrate it.

Tonight's homework:
Finish math WB p. 97-98.
Finish science WB p. 42-48 & p. 50-55.
Finish vocabulary definitions if you didn't finish them in class.

*Unit 3 (multiply & divide decimals) math test will be Wednesday.
*Spelling & vocabulary choices are due Thursday.

This Week's ELA: Nov. 11-15

Spelling: TransitionWords
One way to improve your writing and to move your audience through your piece is to use transition words. These words can be classified according to their usage: contrasting, comparing, sequencing, introducing, and concluding/summarizing. (These categories would make a great spelling choice!) Your spelling choice activity is due Thursday.
  1. although
  2. otherwise
  3. however
  4. likewise
  5. similarly
  6. generally
  7. afterward
  8. furthermore
  9. meanwhile
  10. in the meantime
  11. certainly
  12. obviously
  13. consequently
  14. finally
  15. in conclusion
  16. therefore
  17. simultaneously
  18. hence
  19. currently
  20. immediately

Vocabulary: Out of the Dust, Winter 1934
On your own paper, look up the definition and part of speech for each word (due Tuesday). Don't panic if you can't immediately find the word. You may need to drop a suffix, especially the past tense -ed. Your vocabulary choice activity is due Thursday.
  1. crouched
  2. fierce
  3. fidgety
  4. riled
  5. bounty
  6. whittled
  7. spindled
  8. achievement
  9. locomotive
  10. ratcheted

This Week's IRA: Prefix Hunt
Find at least 10 words with 10 different prefixes. Explain what the prefix means and what the word means (due Friday). 
Include your book title and the page number where you found each word.

This Week's Grammar Focus: Vivacious Verbs and the Past Participle

This Week's Writing Focus: Persuasive Writing and Transition Words
Which special is the best? Convince your reader that your favorite special is indeed the best. Be sure to use transition words to help move your reader through your persuasive piece.

Thursday, November 7, 2013



Finish math WB p. 93-94.

Study for spelling & vocabulary tests.  I recommend rereading "Up and Away.

*Please dress warmly tomorrow!  We're encouraging you to wear red, white, and blue in honor of our veterans for our 10:00 assembly.  The weather forecast is predicting chilly winds, so dress warmly please.

Science Fun

We have been having lots of fun studying physical science! We made solutions of common kitchen substances (sugar, brown sugar, salt, sea salt, baking soda, etc.).  We ate a fun snack mixture.  We explored chemical reactions and "magically" blew up a balloon (vinegar and baking soda).

Today, we made "oobleck," a cool mix of corn starch and water.  (Each child has their own bag to take home.)
Thank you, Ms. Britt (our Young Harris College practicum student), for your help!

Scholastic's Study Jams

Here's another new-to-me site that might be helpful and fun!  It's Scholastic's Study Jams, which has math and science videos.  Cool!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


We will take our SS WWI test tomorrow since our science lab took longer than expected.

Finish sp/vocab choices.

Work on math WB p. 93-94 (due Friday).

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Finish science WB p. 36-39.

Study for WWI test!

Please sign and return signed papers in the orange communication folder.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Finish reading "Up in the Air" (Treasures p. 714-730) if you didn't finish in class.

Work on your CHAMPS essay (due Friday).

Start on spelling & vocabulary choices.

This Week's ELA: Up in the Air

Spelling & Vocabulary, Unit 6, Week 4: “Up in the Air”

Spelling: Number Prefixes uni-, bi-, tri-, and cent-
*Spelling choice is due by Thursday.
  1. tripod
  2. triplet
  3. unicorn
  4. uniform
  5. unison
  6. biweekly
  7. triple
  8. bicycle
  9. tricycle
  10. unicycle
  11. triangle
  12. bisect
  13. trio
  14. unify
  15. centipede
  16. centimeter
  17. century
  18. binoculars
  19. universe
  20. university
*bilingual, trilogy

*Vocabulary choice is due by Thursday.
  1. launched: (v) sent off or started in motion

  1. particles: (n) small bits and pieces of an element

  1. dense: (adj) packed closely together

  1. inflate: (v) to cause to swell by filling with air or gas

  1. anchored: (v) being held in place by a heavy metal device or object

  1. companion: (n) a person or animal who keeps someone company

  1. hydrogen: (n) a gas that has no odor, color, or taste, and burns easily

  1. scientific: (adj) having to do with or used in science

GRAMMAR: Review of prepositions/prepositional phrases

*CHAMPS essay is due by Friday. NO IRA again this week.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Flu forms are due by this Friday, 11/1, if you'd like for your child to receive a free vaccination at school.  Info went home Tuesday.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween!  We have had a fun day!  Our characters are quite the characters.
Please finish AM if you did not in class.
Also, finish math WB p. 83 & 84.
Study for spelling & vocabulary tests!

*Flu forms are due tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Scroll down to see our CPA winners!

Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.
Finish candy cane mystery genre report.

Please work on math WB p. 83 (7-11) & p. 84- DUE FRIDAY.

Tomorrow is book character day!

CPA Winners!

Everyone did a great job presenting their CPA speeches today!  I do not envy our judges having to rank the presentations.  I am so proud of each and every student.

The judges selected...

3rd place: Clayton, Jordan O., Hannah P., & Aliceyn

2nd place: Zeke, Kaston, Morgan, & Ella

1st place Eli, Trey, Michael, Allie, Hannah T., & Mollie


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Practice for CPA TOMORROW!  Be sure to get a good night's sleep tonight so that you're well rested for the big day.

Finish p. 349 in your reading textbook.

Make any AM corrections (if you have them).

Monday, October 28, 2013


Welcome back from a nice week off!  I hope that you had a great one too.  It was fun seeing some of you at the Sorghum Festival and at the Hometown Halloween on the Square!

Tonight, everyone except Chloe, Morgan, and Hannah T. need to complete an AM practice.
Begin your spelling and/or vocabulary choice (due Thursday).
Finish reading My Great-Grandmother's Gourd if you didn't finish in class.
PRACTICE YOUR CPA SPEECH!  Read through it a few times, for an audience if possible. The judges will be here Wednesday.

Tomorrow is "teaming up against drugs," so wear your favorite team jersey to show your commitment to remain drug-free!

This Week's ELA

Unit 3, Week 4 My Great-Grandmother’s Gourd

Spelling: Accented syllables
Monday: Begin a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.). Start writing your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice.
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

  1. dozen 11. reserve
  2. beside 12. embrace
  3. motion 13. coastal
  4. appoint 14. python
  5. season 15. govern
  6. phony 16. scorching
  7. observe 17. flurry
  8. active 18. canvas
  9. restore 19. copper
10. expert 20. cocoon
Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

  1. gnarled – (adj.) having many rough, twisted knots
  2. parched – (adj.) dry or thirsty
  3. landscape – (n.) the stretch of land or scenery viewed from one point or place
  4. scorching – (adj.) causing intense heat to dry or burn the surface of something
  5. gushed – (v.) poured out suddenly and in large amounts
  6. brimming – (adj.) full to the upper edge of a container
  7. scrawny – (adj.) thin, bony, or skinny
  8. progress – (n.) a forward movement or gradual betterment

TESTED READING SKILL: compare and contrast

NO IRA because your genre project is due by this Thursday, 10/31!

GRAMMAR: Linking Verbs

Math Website Update

Our math series, Go Math, has launched a Go Math Academy with video tutorials and more!  I haven't had a chance to explore the site yet, but it might be a valuable resource for all of us.  You can always find it linked up on the Math Websites tab (above).

Writing Websites Updated

I just wanted to let you know that I have updated our Writing Websites tab at the top with some links for research possibilities.  This might be especially timely if your CPA speech isn't 5 minutes long yet.  (Presentations for the judge is this Wednesday!)

Friday, October 18, 2013


Please read your AR book over the break.  Don't forget that your mystery genre is due by 10/31!

Also, practice, practice, practice your CPA speech for presentations 10/30.

Have a happy and safe Fall Break!  See you on Monday, 10/28

Thursday, October 17, 2013


In class CPA presentations went well today.  If your child's time is under 4 minutes, he/she probably needs to add more info.  Practice speech daily over break!

Study for Ch. 2 Landforms science test.

Wear sneakers Friday for the walk-a-thon!

Computer Lab 10/17

Go to and log in.  Choose Science, then Earth System, and scroll down to Erosion.  Watch the video and take the quiz.  Be sure that Mrs. Dyer records your quiz grade!  (Do not try to email or print it.)

When you have scored 80% or higher, then you may have free computer time to visit an EDUCATIONAL website of your choosing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Finish CPA note cards and posters to bring in for tomorrow's practice presentations!

Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.

Finish AM if you didn't finish in class.

Write IRA summary #3.

Study for social studies test: cattle drives/black cowboys; Native Americans and westward expansion; Spanish-American War; Panama Canal; immigrants.

Red Ribbon Week 10/28-Nov. 1

When we get back from Fall Break, our school will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week and our commitment to stay drug free.  Here's the schedule of events:

Monday: Wear RED to show your promise to be drug free.

Tuesday: Team up against drugs and wear your favorite team jersey.

Wednesday: Drugs turn you inside out, so wear your clothes backwards/inside out to show that drugs mess you up! (*This is our CPA day, so kids can change their clothes AFTER presentations if they wish.)

Thursday: Good characters don't do drugs!  Dress up as your favorite book character.

Friday: Put a cap on drugs.  Wear your favorite cap or hat.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Please wear sneakers for music tomorrow (per Ms. V.).

Please sign & return signed papers in the orange communication folder.  There will not be a weekly goal insert (unless parents or I request it) because most of the kids are doing great!

Make Module 6 math corrections IF necessary.

Write your 2nd summary after you read today (IRA #2).

You have three things due Wed. (CPA in-class presentations, spelling choice, & vocab choice) so please don't wait until tomorrow to do them all!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Students have received a t-shirt order form today, and all orders with payment are due by Friday.

Work on CPA presentations!  Add to your speech as needed, make note cards, finish posters, and practice.  In-class presentations will be given Thursday.  The students will be judged on 10/30.

Begin spelling & vocabulary choices (due Thursday).  Students who made 100% on spelling pretest are excused from spelling HW this week. :)

Write IRA summary #1.

*Spelling & vocabulary tests will be given on THURSDAY this week due to Friday's early release day.

This Week's ELA

First, I have updated the spelling & vocabulary choices links at right.  Each student received his/her own copy today of these choices.
Also, our spelling & vocabulary tests will be on THURSDAY this week due to Friday's early release day schedule.  Thanks for your understanding!

Spelling and Vocabulary Lists: Unit 3, Week 2 When Esther Morris Headed West

Spelling: Words with the V/V pattern
Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Tuesday: Write your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on THURSDAY!

1. video 11. fluid
2. poet 12. rodeo
3. riot 13. cruel
4. piano 14. genuine
5. diary 15. casual
6. radio 16. trial
7. ideas 17. fuel
8. ruin 18. meteor
9. diet 19. diameter
10. patriot 20. meander

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on THURSDAY.

  1. attorney (noun) – a lawyer; one who helps with legal matters
  2. representative (noun) – a person who is chosen to represent or stand for another or others
  3. qualify (verb) – to make fit, as for a certain job or task
  4. legislature (noun) – a government body having the power to make laws
  5. postpone (verb) – to put off to a later time
  6. satisfactory (adj.) – good enough to meet a need or desire
  7. submit (verb) – to give up; to give in to someone’s power
  8. colonel (noun) – one of the ranks of a military officer

IRA: Each night (Mon.-Thurs.), write a summary of what you’ve read in your AR book that day. Be sure to include the page numbers you read. You may do this all on one sheet of paper.

TESTED READING SKILL: fact and opinion; verbs and verb tenses

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Don't forget about today's 5:00 Title I parent meeting.  Thanks!

Finish IRA and study for spelling & vocabulary tests.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


CPA rough drafts are due tomorrow!  Please time yourself reading your speech as if you were presenting it, and write you time at the top by your name.

Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.

This month's genre is mystery! [Insert evil laugh here.]  Students will receive a form to fill out after fall break.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Work on CPA report (due Thurs.).

*Report cards went home w/the orange communication folders!  Please sign and return ASAP.  I am so proud of our kids!  We have 17 students who made honor roll and 6 who earned honorable mention!

Finish sci. WB p. 18-21.

Work on spelling & vocabulary choices.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Finish math WB p. 67 (7-11) and p. 68 AND finish any AM that wasn't finished in class today.

Work on CPA report (due Thurs.).

Sp in ABC order in agenda

Thursday, October 3, 2013


If you haven't already started, work on writing your CPA report.  I told students today to read them aloud as if they were giving their speech and time themselves.  If the report is 4 minutes or longer, they are probably on track.  The actual report is due next Thursday, 10/10.

Study math p. 91-148 for Unit 2 TEST tomorrow.  Even though we didn't complete every lesson in the book, we have worked on the concepts. 

Study for spelling & vocabulary tests.

READ!  Tomorrow is the end of the nine weeks and the last day to meet the 6 book/250,000 word goal! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Today has been a great day!  The kids earned two stars for good behavior while I was in a meeting, so we are up to 60 total.  That called for a reward, so we grabbed our lunches and went to the playground for a picnic and extra recess.

We have started a fun little project to put dull, overused, boring words to rest.  Each child drew a "boring" word from a box.  Their job now is to come up with more interesting synonyms for their word.  (A few students are partners.)  We will be making tombstones to put these boring words to rest- and to display better word choices.  Feel free to help your child come up with "better" words.  I have not set a date yet to make our tombstones, but it will be either Friday or early next week.

Finish CPA intro paragraph.
Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.

*Unit 2 math test Friday (+/- decimals)

*This month's genre is mystery.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


*In the communication folder today you will find a pink letter from the principal and an orange newsletter.  Please keep these home and mark your calendars.  Thanks!

For HW:
Finish sci. WB p. 10-15.
Work on spelling & vocabulary choices (due Thurs.).

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 9 ELA

Volcanoes by Seymour Simon, Week 1.9

Monday: Write your words in ABC order in your agenda (due Tuesday).
Tuesday: Make a spelling chain, “text” your spelling words, or color code them and provide a key (due Thursday).
*IF you made below an 85 on last week's test, you must write this week's words 5x each (3x print/2x cursive). Turn in on Friday.
Tuesday through Thursday, please study your words nightly for your test on Friday.

1. thrown 11. mood

2. scientists 12. explosion

3. clue 13. growth

4. dew 14. eruption

5. incredible 15. slope

6. volcanoes 16. bruise

7. boast 17. loose

8. cruise 18. rude

9. stroll 19. flow

10. route 20. gushes

This Week's IRA – due Friday:

Week 9: Cause/Effect Relationships – Use notebook paper with your correct heading.

Things happen in stories for a reason, and one thing leads to another. A cause is why something happens. An effect is what happens. Find at least THREE different cause and effect relationships (or events) in your AR book. Describe each event in a complete sentence in your own words. Remember the following key words and phrases that you can use: because, caused, since, so, and as a result.

Monday: Write the correct word from the word bank for the given definition.
Tuesday: Vocabulary draw, sentences, or crossword puzzle with clues (due Thursday).
Wednesday: IF you made below 85 on last week’s test, write each vocabulary word in a fabulous 5th grade sentence (use at LEAST 10 words)– underline the vocabulary word (due Thursday).
Tuesday – Thursday: Study vocabulary words and definitions for the test on Friday!

pursuit active subdue constantly lava

goddess magma reproach presume molten

1. ___________________: to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group)
by using force

2. _________________: an activity that one engages in as a vocation, profession

3. ­­­_________________: fused or liquefied by heat

4. _________________: an expression of disapproval or disappointment

5. ____________________: to think that something is true without knowledge that it is

6. ____________________: moving around; busy; having movement; fully or
completely involved

7. ____________________: without stopping; continually; repeatedly

8. _______________________: a female supernatural being who is worshipped and
who is thought to have control over existence, some
part of the world, or some aspect of life

9. ___________________: molten rock inside the Earth’s crust

10. __________________: molten rock flowing from a volcano’s opening or vent