Thursday, March 31, 2016


Study for your spelling and vocabulary tests!  Don't forget about The Watsons test 2.

Work on AM.

Please remember that next week is spring break!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Study for ch. 6 science test (tomorrow).
Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices if you made below 85% on last week's respective test.
Study Watsons 2 vocabulary.

Snack Requests for Milesones Testing

The Milestones Test begins April 26 and goes through May 5.  Each class has been instructed to ask parents for snacks during their break in the middle of the test. My class has 23 students.  Could you send snacks?  Some students will be taking their tests in smaller groups in other parts of the building, so pre-packaged snacks will be best. Thanks for all that you do for our school and our students.

                                                Snack Suggestions
Cheese Crackers                       Teddy Grahams
Plain Crackers                          Fruit Roll Ups
Cookies                                    Goldfish
Trail Mix                                 Vegetables
Pretzels                                    **Juice Boxes
Granola Bars                            **Small Waters

Please do not send any snacks with peanuts or peanut butter since there are several students that are allergic to these products.

The fifth grade schedule for testing is:
Tues. 4/26 morning: English Language Arts
Wed. 4/27 morning: ELA Writing
Thurs. 4/28 morning: Math
Wed. 5/4 afternoon: Science
Thurs. 5/5 afternoon: Social Studies


UCES Faculty and Staff

Monday, March 28, 2016


Write spelling in ABC order in agenda.
Finish SS WB p. 69-73.
Kingdoms project is due Wednesday.
Study for Watsons 1 vocabulary test on Wed. (& test 2 on Friday).
Study for science ch. 6 test on Thursday.
Work on AM if you need to.

This Week's ELA: Flect/Flex, Frail/Fract/Frag and Watsons 1 & 2

Spelling: Greek/Latin Roots #9 flect/flex and frail/fract/frag
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday.
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on FRIDAY.  Use the definitions to help you study.

flect/flex = ________________________________ frail/fract/frag = ___________________________________

1.             flexible (adj.) capable of bending without breaking
2.             reflect (v.) to bend or throw back light or heat; to fold or turn back
3.             deflect (v.) to turn or move to one side; to bend; to swerve
4.             circumflex (n.) to bend around or curve
5.             flexor (n.) a muscle that bends a part of the body, such as an arm or a leg
6.             inflection (n.) the bending of a person’s voice so that it does not sound boring or within only one tone; making one’s voice go up and down
7.             reflection (n.) the image in a mirror that is a result of bending light when it is thrown back
8.             inflexible (adj.) not capable of being bent without breaking
9.             reflex angle (n.)  an angle that is greater than 1800 because the angle bent beyond a straight line
10.         retroflex (n.)  bent or turned backward
11.         fragile (adj.) so delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged
12.         fragment (n.) an incomplete sentence; a break in a sentence
13.         fragmented (adj.) describes something that is broken into pieces
14.         suffrage (n.) to break into an issue; to vote
15.         refract (v.) to bend light so that it looks like it is broken
16.         fraction (n.) a part of a whole; a broken piece of something that is no longer whole
17.         infraction (n.) a broken rule; a violation
18.         fractals (n.) the type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of the design
19.         fracture (n.) a break in a body part
20.          frail (adj.) being easily broken or destroyed

*Watsons Go to Birmingham vocab test 1 will be Wednesday.
*Kingdoms project is due no later than Wednesday.
*Science ch. 6 test will be Thursday.
*Watsons Go to Birmingham vocab test 2 and the flect/flex and frail/frag/fract will be Friday.

VOCABULARY: The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 (#2)

Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through THURSDAY for your test on FRIDAY.

1.             gigantic (adj.) - so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth
2.             tease (v.) – to mock or make fun of playfully
3.             orbit (v.)  - the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another
4.             grind (v.) – to press or grind with a crushing noise
5.             embarrassing (adj.)  - causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation
6.             accent (n.)  - distinctive manner of oral expression
7.             peon (n.)   - a laborer who is obliged to do menial work
8.             disgust (adj.) - strong feelings of dislike
9.             mourning (n.)   - state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one
10.         confess (v.)  - to admit (to a wrongdoing)
11.         tolerate (v.)  - to put up with something or somebody unpleasant
12.         execute (v.)  - to kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Study for Mod 14 quiz.
Finish spelling/vocab choices if you had them.
Make math WB p. 156 corrections if you had them (below 80%).
Make sure you've finished sci WB ch. 6, L 3.

Congratulations to our Science Olympians!

We are so very proud of our school's Science Olympiad team!  They competed at a regional competition on Saturday and placed 5th.  That means that they are going to the State competition in May.  We are so proud of our school team and especially our classmates Andrew Y., Mattie, and Lexi.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Class Pictures

If you did not order a class picture and would like one, they can be ordered through Friday.  They are $13 payable to Life Touch.

Monday, March 21, 2016


Students have finished their Number the Stars slideshow projects.  You might enjoy having them show you their work.  They continue to work hard on their huge Kingdoms science project (due 3/30).

*Math WB p. 152 (may do 151 for extra credit).
*SS WB p. 66-68 if not finished in class
*Spelling in ABC order in agenda
*MOST students have a spelling or vocabulary choice due this Thursday because last week's test grades weren't very good (overall).

*COLD WAR TEST Wednesday!

Friday, March 18, 2016

This Week's ELA: Bio and Viv/Vit

Spelling: Greek/Latin Roots #8 bio and viv/vit
*Spelling and/or vocabulary choice activity due Thursday (if you made below 85% on last week's test).  Both of this week's lists are on
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on FRIDAY.  Use the definitions to help you study.

bio = ________________________________ viv/vit = ___________________________________

1.     antibiotic (n.) a medicine used to save lives because it destroys harmful bacteria and cures infections
2.     biography (n.) a piece of writing about a person’s life written by someone else
3.     autobiography (n.) a piece of writing written by a person about his or her own life
4.     biology (n.) the study of living things
5.     biologist (n.) a person who studies living things
6.     biopsy (n.) the removal of living tissue from the body for a diagnostic examination
7.     macrobiotic diet (n.) a diet thought to help people to live longer because it focuses on natural foods
8.     neurobiology (n.) the study of the nervous system of living things and how it helps the living things learn and react
9.     symbiosis (n.) how two different living organisms live together and depend on each other
10. biosphere (n.) the zone of planet Earth where there is life (between the deep crust and the lower atmosphere)
11. revive (v.) to bring back to life again
12. revitalize (v.) to bring something back after it declined in condition or popularity; to breath new life into something
13. survival (n.) the ability to continue living
14. survivor (n.) a person who lives through a difficult event or experience
15. vitamin (n.) a tablet of substances that are thought to promote a healthy life
16. vital (adj.) necessary or essential to live
17. vitality (n.) quality or state of being full of life; state of being full of energy
18. vivid (adj.) “as big as life”; brightly colored; daring
19. vivacious (adj.) full of life; fun; lively; animated
20. viable (adj.) capable of surviving or living
*Don’t forget about vivisection (surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into animals to study organs, parts, or diseases)

VOCABULARY: The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 (#1)

Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through THURSDAY for your test on FRIDAY.

1.    demonstration - the act or circumstance of proving or being proved conclusively, as by reasoning or a show of evidence
2.    emulate - to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
3.    frostbite - injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme cold, sometimes progressing from initial redness and tingling to gangrene
4.    hostile - not friendly, warm, or generous; not hospitable, an enemy
5.    hypnotized - to frighten or startle so that movement is impossible
6.    incapable - not having the necessary ability, qualification, or strength to perform some specified act or function
7.    juvenile delinquent - a minor who cannot be controlled by parental authority and commits antisocial or criminal acts, as vandalism or violence
8.    miraculous - performed by or involving a supernatural power or agency
9.    panning - to criticize severely
10.         pomade - a scented ointment, esp. one used for the scalp or for dressing the hair
11.         punctual - strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt
12.         skimpy - lacking in size, fullness, etc.; too thrifty; stingy

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


My schedule has been very hectic this week so today is the first chance that I have had to update the blog.  Student agendas should be up to date, however, so feel free to check on them!

*Please sign & return report card if you haven't already.
*Students are REQUIRED to go outside and play today (at parental discretion).
*Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choice(s) if you made below 85% on last week's respective tests.
*Finish science WB p. 122-127 if you didn't finish in class.
*Math WB p. 141-142 is due Friday.

Monday, March 14, 2016


If you did not order a yearbook and would like to, you can still order online (only).

Go to > Union County Elementary School > News > What's New > Yearbook Orders > Enter  Yearbook ID Code (11743616) > Order Yearbook.


Today you are going to learn about Quia and begin taking quizzes on Number the Stars.  Please only quiz on the chapters that you have finished reading!

To begin:
  1. Go to
  2. Search for your teacher (Haley Dyer).
  3. Click on our class.
  4. Click on English/Language Arts.
  5. Click on the Number the Stars quiz that you would like to take.
*Your username is your first & last name with no capitalization or spaces followed by the number 543 (for example, sammystudent543) and your password is your 5-digit number for Successmaker, etc.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Math Enrichment: Knights of Pi

PBS has a cool math video game entitled "Knights of Pi."  Click HERE to complete the quest!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Please remember that Friday is a teacher workday (no school for students) and Monday is a regular school day (make up for inclement weather).

Also, students may complete the Brainpop extra credit through their bedtime tonight.  I will check my email first thing in the morning and add any last minute tests.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


We have several students who are sick!  Two went home with fevers today.  I am being vigilant with hand sanitizer, but please remind your kids to wash, not touch their faces, etc.  Thank you!

*Finish inclement weather packets (due tomorrow).
*Work on AM if you need to.
*Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices as needed.

Monday, March 7, 2016


Please scroll down for this week's ELA and for Brainpop extra credit in multiple subjects.

The Book Fair is here this week!  Due to our teacher workday Friday (no school for students), the Book Fair will be closed Friday but open on Monday.

*Inclement weather/snow packets are due by WEDNESDAY!
*Student for tomorrow's WWII test (ch. 12, 13, 14).
*Write spelling in ABC order in agenda.
*Match spelling words with definitions.

Spelling and vocabulary choices are due no later than Thursday (below 90% on last week's tests; they know who they are).  Our tests will also be Thursday because Friday is a teacher workday (no school for students).

Brainpop Extra Credit

BRAINPOP EXTRA CREDIT:  Any and all quizzes are due by Thursday, 3/10.  (I told the students in class today that they could work on these Thursday afternoon.  If I haven't received your scores by 8 AM Friday, they won't count.)  

Students may come to the room or stay in at recess to do these if they don't have easy access after school.
A screenshot of your results (with the test title visible too) is the most effective way to send me your score.  You can try Brainpop email but I have had trouble with them in the past.

·      Science: Diversity of Life: Classification; Six Kingdoms; Vertebrates; Invertebrates; Seed Plants
·      Social Studies: World History: World War II; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Adolf Hitler; Anne Frank; United Nations; Cold War; Communism
·      Math: Numbers & Operations: Adding & Subtracting Fractions; Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
·      English: Grammar: Antonyms, Synonyms, and Homonyms; Subject-Verb Agreement

This Week's ELA: Cred and Jur/Jus/Jud

Spelling: Roots cred and jur/jus/jud
*Spelling choice activity is due Thursday if you made less than 90% on last week’s spelling test.  A vocabulary choice is due Thursday if you made less than 90% on last week’s vocabulary test. 
*You need to know the definitions of these words and how to use them as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday THURSDAY.  Use the worksheet with the definitions to help you study.

cred = ________________________________      jur/jus/jud = ___________________________________

1.     credible (adj.)               __________ believable; reliable
2.     incredible (adj.)           __________ a document that proves a person is believable
3.     credential (n.)              __________ doubting; unwilling or unable to believe
4.     credit (v.)                       __________ to believe that someone will do something
5.     creditor (n.)                  __________ to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue
6.     credulous (adj.)           __________ tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
7.     accreditation (n.)       __________ a set of religious beliefs or principles
8.     creed (n.)                       __________ not believable; improbable; unlikely
9.     discredit (v.)                 __________ granting approval or believe in a school
10. incredulous (adj.)       __________ a person who believes that he will be paid back the money
that he loaned

                                                                        a person chosen to interpret laws,
11. just (n.)                           __________    decide on a winner, or settle a controversy
12.  justice (n.)                    __________ fairness or rightfulness
13. judge (n.)                        __________ to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise or an oath
14. perjury (n.)                    __________ to give up rights; to recant
15. justify (n.)                      __________ an expert in law
16. jury (n.)                           __________ the fact that is said to prove that something is true
17. jurist (n.)                        __________ to prove; to offer (especially as in excuses or reasons)
18. justification (n.)          __________ lawful; fair
19.  abjure (n.)                     __________ a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine the truth
20. jurisdiction (n.)           __________ the territory or land in which justice and laws are
                                                                  administered and followed