Friday, August 7, 2015


We have had a SUPER start to our school year!!!  I am so excited for how great our year is going to be.  One fun thing we did today was to practice our multiplication facts with dice.  Fifth graders are expected to know their multiplication facts fluently through the 12s.

Their weekend homework is to get their agenda and multiplication speed test signed and to read.  For the speed test, students completed the first 5 minutes in regular pencil, the second 5 minutes in colored pencil, and then they checked themselves.  These ARE NOT for a grade- this week.  We will have our weekly speed tests each on day until facts through the 12s are mastered fluently. Thanks for your help!

We also had a fun, team building cup stacking challenge.  The goal was to have the tallest freestanding tower when the timer went off.

Unfortunately the blue cups collapsed right before the timer went off!!!  We had a tie breaker with teams Green & Purple.

***If you've read this far, please write "I read the blog!" in your child's agenda for 8/7 (& sign it) so that they will earn an extra ticket.  This is a blog bonus only! :)

Have a great weekend!

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