Thursday, January 29, 2015


The Parent Info Session about the Georgia Milestones testing is at 5:30 today!

*Finish biography project and extra credit WWII novel study.

Study for spelling, vocabulary, and social studies WWII tests.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Finish answering WWII article questions and write summary.

Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choice if you made below 85 on either (or both) of last week's tests.

MATH EXTRA CREDIT: WB p. 143 (even) & p. 144 due Thurs.

*Genre projects and extra credit WWII projects are due by Friday!

Did you return your movie permission slip?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Finish math WB.

Finish WOW.

Read WWII article (questions & summary due Th.).

*Signed papers, movie permission slip!

Monday, January 26, 2015


We have earned 120 stars!  Way to go!

Write spelling in ABC order in your agenda.
Match your vocabulary definitions.

Math WB p. 137-138 is due WEDNESDAY.

Both the required biography genre project and the optional (extra credit) WWII novel project are due no later than this Friday!!!

Our social studies WWII test will be Friday.

This Week's ELA: Port and Mis/mit

1/26/15        Week 3.4
Greek and Latin word parts #4: port and miss/mit  

port = __________________________________________     miss/mit = __________________________________________

Tuesday: Copy your spelling words into your agenda in ABC order.  Match the spelling word to its correct vocabulary meaning.
**If you made less than an 85 on either of last week’s tests, you are required to complete a spelling/vocabulary choice this week (due Thursday).

                                                            a collection of writing that carries information to be shared
1.       import                          _____          again with someone new
2.       export                          _____ to carry out of a country
3.       portable                      _____ an attendant who carries travelers’ luggage for them
4.       report                           _____ to carry or send away from a  country; to banish
5.       porter                           _____ to carry the weight of something
6.       support                        _____ capable of being easily carried
7.       portfolio                      _____ to carry something from one place to another
8.       deport                          _____ a case for carrying loose paper
9.       portage                                    _____ to carry into a country
10.   transport                    _____ the route over which boats and supplies are carried overland
                                                         from one lake or river to another

                                                    a break between acts of a play or performance
11.   dismiss                                    _____   during which people are sent out for snacks or stretch breaks
12.   admit                            _____ to send someone in; to allow someone to enter
13.   mission                                    _____ to send someone out; to let someone leave
14.   submit                         _____ to send back (usually related to paying bills)
15.   intermission              _____ to send out or give off (such as an odor)
16.   missile                         _____ to leave out; to not send
17.   emit                              _____ to send something across places; to pass along
18.   transmit                      _____ a weapon designed to be sent in the direction of a target
19.      remit                            _____ a special duty or function which a person or group is sent out to do
20.   omit                              _____ to “send” yourself under someone else’s control; to give in to
                                    someone else’s power

*WOWs are due Wednesday!

*Biography genre projects and WWII extra credit novel projects are both due no later than this Friday!

*Study for Friday’s WWII social studies test.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


AM exercises are required HW; other AM is recommended.

Study for the ch. 5 science test and for your spelling and vocabulary tests!

Have you read at least 2 books?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Finish math WB p. 135 (2 in each row) and p. 136 ALL.

Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices if you made less than 85% on either test.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Finish WOW!  (These are due every Wednesday.)

Write spelling words in alphabetical order in your agenda (1-20, not 10 & 10 separate).
Match your vocabulary words to their correct definitions.

Math WB p. 135 (2 in each row) and p. 136 ALL are due Thursday.

*Please sign & return signed papers. 

This Week's ELA: Greek/Latin 3 (ject & sect)

1/20/15        Week 3.3
Greek and Latin word parts #2: ject and sect  

ject = __________________________________________      sect = __________________________________________

Tuesday: Copy your spelling words into your agenda in ABC order.  Match the spelling word to its correct vocabulary meaning.
**If you made less than an 85 on either of last week’s tests, you are required to complete a spelling/vocabulary choice this week (due Thursday).

1.       eject                  _____ the curved path of an object thrown into space
2.       dejected          _____ an object thrown in the air with great force
3.       interjection    _____ to throw something out because it is defective and can’t be used again
4.       projector         _____ to throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or airplane
5.       reject                _____ a word thrown into a sentence or conversation
6.       subject                         _____ a shot; the “throwing” of medicine into the body
7.       projectile        _____ to throw out
8.       trajectory        _____ a machine that throws an image on the wall
9.        jettison           _____ to throw oneself under someone else’s rule
10.   injection          _____ to feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit
           a class of small arthropod animals that has three separate        
11.   insect                _____    sections to their bodies: head, thorax, and abdomen
12.   dissect              _____ to cut into two pieces
13.   intersection   _____ to cut apart for the purpose of investigation
14.   section             _____ the point at which two lines or roads meet and cut across each other
15.   bisect                _____ to cut into three pieces
16.   sectional          _____ a separate part of a society, group, or area
17.   trisect               _____ a separate part of something
18.   sector               _____ to cut across something
19.   vivisection      _____ a couch that is made up of separate pieces
20.   transect           _____ surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into
living animals to study organs, tissues, or diseases

*WOWs are due Wednesday!

*Your biography project is due no later than Friday, 1/30/15!

Have you already read at least two books in 2015?

Friday, January 16, 2015


Enjoy your long weekend!  Be sure to read over the break. Genre projects and WWII projects are due no later than 1/30. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Math WB p. 129 (2 each from each row for a total of 10 problems; may do extra problems for extra credit)
*We worked on cancelling, or "simplify before you multiply," but students may use whatever strategy they prefer.

Study for your spelling and vocabulary test.

Finish your cell project if you haven't already!

*Monday is a holiday!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Martin Luther King crossword & analogies are due Fri.

Finish spelling/vocab choice(s) if you made below an 85 on either of last week's tests.

Thursday is the 100th day of school!
Cell projects are due Friday!

Play Dough Recipe

Mrs. Turlington needs play dough for a project in STEM, so several students volunteered to make some for our class (due BY next Wednesday).  I didn't have enough copies for everyone, so here is the recipe.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
2 TBS vegetable oil
2 tsp cream of tartar
food coloring (optional)  (*She needs either plain or pale yellow.)

Mix all ingredients well in a non-stick pan.  Over medium heat stir constantly until the dough clings together away from the sides of the pan.  Form into a ball and store in a sealed plastic bag or container.  (Does not need to be refrigerated.)

Monday, January 12, 2015


Welcome back to another great week at UCES!  Don't forget that WOWs are due Wednesday and that cell projects are due Friday.

Scroll down for this week's spelling/vocabulary words. I've added a new feature of including content vocabulary (science & social studies this week).

Write spelling words in alphabetical order in your agenda.
Match your vocabulary (spelling) words to their correct meanings.
Work on AM!

WWII Vocabulary

*It is your responsibility to know the meaning of these terms.  How you choose to study to learn them is up to you!  We will NOT cover all of this information this week.

World War II
Axis Powers
Allied Powers
VE Day
VJ Day
atomic bomb
United Nations
human rights
Emperor Hirohito
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Franklin Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Joseph Stalin
Rosie the Riveter
Tuskegee Airmen
Pacific Theater
Pearl Harbor

Science Ch. 5 Vocabulary

*It is your responsibility to know the meaning of these terms.  How you choose to study to learn them is up to you!  We may or may not cover all of this information this week.

Ch. 5 Science Vocabulary
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
organ system

This Week's ELA: spec and dict

1/12/15        Week 3.2
Greek and Latin word parts #2: spec and dict  

spec = __________________________________________     dict = __________________________________________

Monday: Copy your spelling words into your agenda in ABC order.  Match the spelling word to its vocabulary meaning.
**If you made less than an 85 on either of last week’s tests, you are required to complete a spelling/vocabulary choice this week (due Thursday). Try to choose an activity you have not done recently. 

1.       spectacles                   _______ to look at carefully in search of flaws
2.       inspect                         _______ the active of looking into one’s own thoughts/feelings
3.       respect                         _______ one way of looking at things
4.       spectator                     _______ to look up to someone; to show honor
5.       perspective                _______ looking back at past things
6.       introspection             _______ something displayed for the public to see
7.       speculate                    _______ glasses to help someone see better
8.       circumspect               _______ a person who watches something, like a sporting event
9.       retrospective             _______ to look at and think about from different points of view
10.   spectacle                     _______ careful to look at all possibilities before acting; cautious;
                                                          aware of consequences

11.   dictator                        _______ what is written down as someone says it
12.    predict                         _______ to speak against; to say the opposite
13.   verdict                         _______ a leader who speaks and rules with total power
14.   contradict                   _______ a reference book in which spoken or written words are defined
15.   dictionary                   _______ a judge’s ruling or statement
16.   indictment                 _______ public words issued by an official that explain a law or command
17.   diction                          _______ to say what will happen before it occurs
18.   edict                              _______ the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury
19.      dictum                         _______ the way in which something is expressed in words (written or spoken)
20.   dictation                      _______ formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person
with a crime

            Your first WOW (Word of the Week) is due on Wednesday, 1/14!

            This month’s genre is biography/autobiography.  Your project is due no later than 1/30.  Don’t forget about the optional extra credit WWII novel study project, also due no later than 1/30.