Monday, August 18, 2014

This Week's ELA 8/18

Spelling and Vocabulary Lists/Week 3   There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom (Chapters 11 – 24)

Spelling words:
Monday: Copy spelling words into your agenda in ABC order (due Tuesday).
Tuesday-Wednesday: Complete ONE of the following choices (due Thursday).
A.            Five times each: Write each word five times each (three times print, two times cursive).  Remember to write your words down your paper in columns, not across in rows (like we did in class).
     B.     Spelling triangles: Write the first letter on the 1st line.  On the next line, write the 1st                    and 2nd letter.  Continue until you’ve spelling out the entire word.
            1. w
            2. wo
            3. wor
            4. word
Study each night for your test on Friday!
1.     automatically                                           11. impolite
2.     reflex                                                        12. shuddered
3.     digest                                                        13. confidence
4.     hesitated                                                  14. anticipation
5.     manure                                                    15. flailed
6.     anguish                                                    16. bellowed
7.     reluctantly                                               17. quality
8.     hysterically                                              18. advice
9.     terrorizing                                                19. glared
10. cautiously                                                 20. defiantly (incorrect on spelling sheet; please change)

IRA (Independent Reading Activity) Weekly Task Week 3 (Due Friday!):
Week 3: Connections
            We have discussed three different types of connections that readers make as they read: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world.  As you read in your independent reading book this week, write down three connections that you make to your book.  Describe the passage in the story and how you connect to that passage.  Make one “text-to-self” connection, one “text-to-text” connection, and one “text-to-world” connection.  Be sure to identify each connection you make by type.  Also include what type of connection it is.  Turn in the connections assignment by Friday.  Don’t forget to include your book’s title.

Drops in the Bucket (DITB) #3 is also due Friday.  Don’t forget the enrichment analogies on the back.

Vocabulary words:
Monday-Thursday: Study vocabulary words and definitions each night for the test on Friday.  Work on your sentences (due Friday).
*DUE FRIDAY THURSDAY: Use each word in an original sentence that is at least ten words long.  Please underline the vocabulary word in the sentence.  Don't forget to capitalize the beginning of your sentence and to use ending punctuation!

1.             ivory – a hard white substance, composing the main part of the tusks of certain animals
2.             assured – guaranteed; sure; certain
3.             befuddled -  to confuse
4.             suspiciously – questionable; distrustful
5.             arithmetic – the most elementary branch of mathematics
6.             familiar – commonly or generally known
7.             hyena – a doglike carnivore of Africa or Asia
8.             mimicked – to imitate or copy in speech, actions, etc.
9.             manila – strong, light-brown or buff paper
10.         replica – a copy or reproduction of a work

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