Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today Ms. Sheila from Smithgall Woods came to our school and gave fifth graders a terrific snake presentation!  Some of the things were learned are:
  • Snakes' teeth point back into their mouths so the prey goes down easier and can't escape easily.
  • For every one snake you kill, you're allowing 200 rats or mice to live!  (YUCK!  Long live the snakes!)
  • Some snakes can grow to be 6-8 feet long, but they don't live up here in Blairsville.
  • Snakes are more afraid of us than we are of them.
  • Some snakes play "dead" as a form of defense or protection.
  • Venomous snakes cannot climb trees.  They're too fat!  If you see a snake in a tree, it is nonvenomous.
  • It is illegal to kill nonvenomous snakes in Georgia.
Ms. Sheila showed us the importance of snakes in our food chain.  The sun (Eli) produces energy to make the corn (Rob) grow.  The mouse eats the corn, and then the snake eats the mouse.

Tonight's homework:
*Study for science Ch. 3 test (Friday).
*Finish spelling & vocabulary choices.
*Have you read your historical fiction for this month's genre project?  If not, get it and read!  If so, work on your brochure.

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