Monday, October 14, 2013

This Week's ELA

First, I have updated the spelling & vocabulary choices links at right.  Each student received his/her own copy today of these choices.
Also, our spelling & vocabulary tests will be on THURSDAY this week due to Friday's early release day schedule.  Thanks for your understanding!

Spelling and Vocabulary Lists: Unit 3, Week 2 When Esther Morris Headed West

Spelling: Words with the V/V pattern
Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Tuesday: Write your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on THURSDAY!

1. video 11. fluid
2. poet 12. rodeo
3. riot 13. cruel
4. piano 14. genuine
5. diary 15. casual
6. radio 16. trial
7. ideas 17. fuel
8. ruin 18. meteor
9. diet 19. diameter
10. patriot 20. meander

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on THURSDAY.

  1. attorney (noun) – a lawyer; one who helps with legal matters
  2. representative (noun) – a person who is chosen to represent or stand for another or others
  3. qualify (verb) – to make fit, as for a certain job or task
  4. legislature (noun) – a government body having the power to make laws
  5. postpone (verb) – to put off to a later time
  6. satisfactory (adj.) – good enough to meet a need or desire
  7. submit (verb) – to give up; to give in to someone’s power
  8. colonel (noun) – one of the ranks of a military officer

IRA: Each night (Mon.-Thurs.), write a summary of what you’ve read in your AR book that day. Be sure to include the page numbers you read. You may do this all on one sheet of paper.

TESTED READING SKILL: fact and opinion; verbs and verb tenses

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