Monday, December 2, 2013

This Week's ELA: The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

Spelling/Vocabulary 6.1: The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

Greek Roots: Based on your spelling list and prior knowledge, what do you think each root means?  Fill in the blanks in pencil!  We will check your predictions Tuesday.

astr/aster = ________________________ photo = ________________________

tele = ________________________  phon =________________________

mech = ________________________ myth = ________________________

Spelling choice is due Thursday, 12/5.

1.     myth
2.     telescope
3.     astronomer
4.     homophone
5.     automatic
6.     telegraph
7.     disaster
8.     autograph
9.     mechanic
10.   telephoto
11.   astronaut
12.   telephone
13.   mythical
14.   phonics
15.   television
16.   photograph
17.   automobile
18.   photography
19.   telegram
20.   mechanical

Vocabulary choice is due Thursday, 12/5:
1.     dismiss: to take away the job of, fire
2.     intentions: plans to act in a certain way; purposes
3.     despair: complete loss of hope
4.     bridle: the part of a horse’s or donkey’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or control the animal
5.     descended: moved from a higher place to a lower one
6.     accompany: to go together with
7.     delicacies: rare or excellent food
8.     consented: gave permission or agreed to

IRA: Author's Craft
            Look for at minimum a sentence and better yet a passage that really impresses you with how the author writes.  Was it their word choice?  How they slowed down a moment?  Their “show don't tell” technique?  On Friday, be prepared to share your author's cool craft with the class.  You need to turn in a copy of this author's craft with the passage highlighted (or feel free to hand copy the passage and include the page number).  Write down what struck you about this particular part.

Grammar Focus: Adverbs

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