Monday, February 8, 2016

This Week's ELA: Ject & Sect

Greek and Latin word parts #2: ject and sect  

ject = __________________________________________      sect = __________________________________________

Monday: Copy your spelling words into your agenda in ABC order.  Match the spelling word to its correct vocabulary meaning.
**If you made less than an 85 on either of last week’s tests, you are required to complete a spelling/vocabulary choice this week (due Thursday).

1.       eject                  _____ the curved path of an object thrown into space
2.       dejected          _____ an object thrown in the air with great force
3.       interjection    _____ to throw something out because it is defective and can’t be used again
4.       projector         _____ to throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or airplane
5.       reject                _____ a word thrown into a sentence or conversation
6.       subject                         _____ a shot; the “throwing” of medicine into the body
7.       projectile        _____ to throw out
8.       trajectory        _____ a machine that throws an image on the wall
9.        jettison           _____ to throw oneself under someone else’s rule
10.   injection          _____ to feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit
           a class of small arthropod animals that has three separate        
11.   insect                _____    sections to their bodies: head, thorax, and abdomen
12.   dissect              _____ to cut into two pieces
13.   intersection   _____ to cut apart for the purpose of investigation
14.   section             _____ the point at which two lines or roads meet and cut across each other
15.   bisect                _____ to cut into three pieces
16.   sectional          _____ a separate part of a society, group, or area
17.   trisect               _____ a separate part of something
18.   sector               _____ to cut across something
19.   vivisection      _____ a couch that is made up of separate pieces
20.   transect           _____ surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into
living animals to study organs, tissues, or diseases

IRA: Wonderful Words
            Fold a sheet of notebook paper into four quarters.  (Please write your correct heading at the top.)  Label a section with noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.  Find at least 5 interesting, wonderful words and write in the appropriate quadrant.  Also write in parentheses a simple synonym for the wonderful word.

*Cell projects due Tuesday!

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