Friday, February 12, 2016

Reading Fun Too!

We are going to try a new reading incentive online program that is based on the books that you choose to read.  I will have to give you your username and password before you can get started, but unfortunately I do not have an electronic version that I can send out.  I will be slowly emailing you to get you started, and you'll receive a paper copy of the information in signed papers on Tuesday.  Feel free to get started when you get my email!

As you log your reading here, you will be able to earn reading bonuses for meeting your weekly goal!

Here is the information to get started:
Welcome to Whooo's Reading. To get started, open your internet browser on a computer (use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. No Internet Explorer).

Go to and click 'Log In' in the top corner.

Type in your Username and Password.  (Mrs. Dyer has emailed these to you.) Then click 'Log In!'

To Log Your Reading
1. Click on the 'Log Reading' button at the top of your profile.
2. To log reading for a book you have not logged before, click 'Find a Book,' type in the title of the book, click 'Find Book,' and choose your book from the list.
2. To log more minutes for a book you have logged before, click on 'Existing Books' and choose your book from the list.
3. Type in the number of minutes you read, choose the date you read those minutes, click the 'Completed this book!' box if you finished the book, and click 'Submit.'

Get Your Family Involved!
Click on the 'Invite Mentors' button. Type in your parent's email address and click 'Send!'

After your parent authorizes your account, they will receive weekly updates about your reading.

They will also be able to comment on what you write, recommend books for you to read, and invite other friends and family to be your mentors too!

Now you can earn Wisdom Coins to spend in the Owl Shop.  Have fun!

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