Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Meet the Teacher(s)

First, thank you to everyone who came by today for "Meet the Teacher!" For those who weren't able to make it, we'll see you at 8:00 in the morning in room 213!

I'd like to offer a quick intro of myself, our team teacher, and our student teacher. My name is Haley Dyer, and this is my 19th year teaching. I'm sure this year will be my "lucky 13th" year in 5th grade! My educational background includes a BA in French and an M.Ed in Early Childhood Education, and I am also a National Board Certified Teacher. I'll be teaching our class English/Language Arts, math, and social studies. I'm married and have two daughters (8th grade and 5th grade), a dog, and a cat. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, scrapbooking, and camping.

Ms. Traci Martin will be teaching our class reading and science. This is her 23rd year of teaching, having spent the majority in 5th grade. She has also taught kindergarten and 3rd grade. She has a specialist degree in Early Childhood Education and is currently working on her doctoral dissertation. She has two (almost grown) sons. You can find her blog HERE.

Mrs. Molly Cousin is a Blairsville resident who is completing her education degree through the University of Phoenix having already earned her associate degree from Young Harris College. She will be certified kindergarten through eighth grade, but her favorite grade is 5th. Her favorite subject is language arts. Her goals include teaching students the knowledge and skills they need to be successful and have high self-belief, develop skills in instruction, motivation, and assessment, and use technology and materials to the advantage of students.

Now that you know a little about us, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a comment to introduce yourself!

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