Monday, April 7, 2014

This Week's ELA: Poetry & Literary Terms

4th 9 Weeks, Week 3

Spelling: Greek/Latin Roots #13 therm and socio
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday (if you made below 100% on Friday’s test).
* is a great online site to study the meanings of these words.
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on FRIDAY.  Use the definitions to help you study.

therm = ________________________________   socio = ___________________________________

1.             therm (n.) a unit of heat equal to 1,000 great calories  
2.             thermal (adj.) related to heat and temperature
3.             thermometer (n.) an instrument that measures temperature or heat
4.             thermostat (n.) a devise used to control the temperature
5.             thermos (n.) a container that is used to keep things warm, such as your soup; a double-walled container that keeps things warm
6.             endothermic (adj.) heated from within the body
7.             exothermic (adj.) requires heat to be absorbed from outside the body
8.             thermograph (n.) a devise that automatically writes down (records) changes in temperature
9.             thermodynamic (adj.) caused or operated by heat that has changed into different forms of energy
10.         thermophile (n.) an organism that has adapted to living in a very high temperatures (heat), such as bacteria or algae
11.         social(ad.) friendly; a person who enjoys companions
12.         unsocial (adj.) not social; having or showing a dislike
13.         association (n.) a group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or belief
14.         associate (n.) a fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office)
15.         antisocial (adj.) against the basic rules of a group; harmful to people in a group 
16.         disassociate (v.) to break ties with a group; to end a friendship; to sever a relationship
17.         sociology (n.)the study of how people get along
18.         sociopath (n.) a person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder
19.         socialite (n.) a person who is important or of high rank within a specific, usually fashionable group
20.         sociogram (n.) a diagram that represent each person’s friends in a classroom

VOCABULARY: Poetic and Literary Terminology
Monday: Match the correct term to the definition.
Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

figurative language   couplet           personification          poetry        simile       prose              verse
onomatopoeia            metaphor       connotation                hyperbole      meter              rhythm
rhyme scheme           stanza                         assonance      refrain                  alliteration           imagery          tone
1.              _______________________________: literature written in verse, as opposed to prose, often written in metrical lines; focuses on the sounds and imagery of language in addition to meaning; often has deeper meaning
2.              _______________________________: ordinary writing or spoken language, usually written in sentences and paragraphs, as opposed to rhythmical lines; focuses primarily on the meaning of words
3.              _______________________________: language that communicates beyond the literal meaning of the words
4.              _______________________________: comparing two things using "like" or "as"
5.              _______________________________: comparing two different things without using "like" or "as"
6.              _______________________________: using extreme exaggeration to make a point
7.              _______________________________: the use of a word whose sound suggests its meaning
8.              _______________________________: giving an animal or inanimate object human qualities or emotions
9.              _______________________________: the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words
10.          _______________________________: repetition of vowel sounds
11.          _______________________________: the attitudes and feelings associated with a word
12.          _______________________________: concrete details which appeal to the senses so that we can see or sense what is being written about; using the sense to describe and make mental pictures/images
13.          _______________________________: the pattern in which rhyme sounds occur in a stanza; an established pattern of rhyme in a poem. Ex: a b b a c c
14.          _______________________________: the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
15.          _______________________________: the recurrence of a rhythmic pattern in poetry
16.          _______________________________: a line of poetry
17.          _______________________________: a group of lines in a poem, considered as a unit; like paragraphs in prose
18.          _______________________________: the feeling or mood that the poem gives
19.          _______________________________: the repetition of one or more phrases or lines at intervals in a poem; a line or part of a line that comes back in the same or very similar form several times in a poem
20.          _______________________________: two lines, one immediately after the other, that contain end rhyme; two lines of verse that rhyme a-a

TESTED READING SKILLS: analyzing text structure; figurative language; poetry
WOWs are due Wednesday!                        DITB #21 is due Friday!

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