Monday, September 19, 2011


We have made a change to our schedule to help your child (hopefully) have a better day. Mrs. Dyer will be teaching reading and math to our class, and Ms. Martin will be teaching reading and math to her class. We will still be switching classes for science and social studies, but switching for our core subjects has just been too hard on everyone. We feel that this change will benefit everyone. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me!

Study 0-12 times tables to master them all! Test Thursday!
Finish math WS p. 22 (front only): 10-17 must be completed (1-9 BONUS/EXTRA CREDIT)

Finish There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom book report (toilet bowl paper).

We will not have new spelling & vocabulary words this week; rather, Friday will be a review test of the first five weeks. We went over specific spelling & vocab words to study this week, but others could also be on the cumulative review test.

Are you reading about 20 pages a day? Are you on track for reading at least six books or one million words this nine weeks?

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