Tuesday, September 30, 2014

This Week's ELA

We will be taking review spelling and vocabulary tests on Friday over the first eight weeks!  The following lists are SUGGESTED words to study.  They may or may not all be on the test, and additional words could be added.

1.             February        
2.             Blairsville
3.             Wednesday
4.             September
5.             Saturday
6.             unrecognizable
7.             usually
8.             suspiciously
9.             nervously
10.         Georgia/Union County
11.         automatically
12.         hysterically
13.         anticipation
14.         cautiously
15.         hesitated
16.         reluctantly
17.         appalling
18.         assemble
19.         doubtful
20.         morale
21.         rudimentary
22.         sympathizer
23.         collide
24.         foliage
25.         soldier
26.         correlation
27.         course/coarse
28.         historical
29.         squares
30.         fare
31.         nuclei/nucleus
32.         possibilities/possibility
33.         potatoes/potato
34.         batches/batch
35.         liberties/liberty
36.         gallop
37.         empire
38.         absent
39.         blizzard
40.         champion
*finally         *fatigue

1.             categories
2.             luminous
3.             slumped
4.             tolerate
5.             flabbergasted
6.             bulging
7.             manila
8.             assured
9.             mimicked
10.         incomprehensible
11.         afflicted
12.         conscious
13.         commandeer
14.         unscathed
15.         plummet
16.         function
17.         environment
18.         mission
19.         vibrates
20.         surroundings
21.         species
22.         ravine
23.         vastness
24.         enthusiasm

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