Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This Month's Genre...

... is FANTASY!  Read at least ONE fantasy novel this month and complete the "cereal box" project.  Here are the instructions:

September’s Genre Project: Fantasy Cereal           

            Before September 30, read a fantasy novel in your Lexile range and complete the following project (due NO LATER THAN 9/30), which counts as a READING TEST GRADE.

1.              Save an empty cereal box (or similar type box).
2.              You will invent a cereal based on your fantasy book and design a cereal box that presents the information listed below about your book and the fantasy genre.  You do NOT need to actually make the cereal itself; you are decorating the box.
3.              Use paper, scissors, glue or tape, markers or colored pencils, etc., to decorate your box.  You may want to cut the paper to fit and decorate it before adhering to the box.
4.              FRONT: Write the name of the cereal and draw an illustration.  (You might model your cover after the actual front of your cereal box.)  Come up with an enticing name.  The name and shape of your cereal should relate to your book. 
5.              BACK: Create a game, puzzle, word search, etc., on the back that includes at least five elements of fantasy found in the book you read.  At the bottom, include a description of the fantasy genre in general.  (This could be a sentence or two, another game, or something else.  Be creative!)  Please include an answer key when necessary.
6.              RIGHT: Under the heading “ingredients,” list the main characters and write a descriptive sentence about each one.  Also write a descriptive sentence or two about the setting.
7.              LEFT: Write a summary that describes the main conflict and resolution of the book.  Make the language of your summary appealing, as if you are advertising the book.
8.              TOP: Write the Book Title and author.
9.              BOTTOM: Write your name, the date, and HD5.  (This may also be a good place for your answer key if you need one.)
10.           Plan a thirty-second to one-minute commercial to advertise your cereal to present to the class on 9/30.
11.           You may include extra information on your box AS LONG AS the required information is included.  Going “above and beyond” the requirements is encouraged to earn full points in each category.

Grading Rubric*:
Front complete, thoughtful, and appropriate             __________/15 points
Back complete, thoughtful, and appropriate              __________/20
Right side complete, thoughtful, and appropriate      __________/10
Left side complete, thoughtful, and appropriate        __________/10
Top complete and accurate                                         __________/ 5
Bottom complete and accurate                                   __________/  5
Overall neat and appealing appearance                       __________/10
Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar               __________/10
Informative and interesting commercial                      __________/15

*If this rubric is lost and has to be reprinted, five points will be taken from the final grade.

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