Monday, October 27, 2014

This Week's ELA: Steal Away Home 2

Steal Away Home, Week 2

Monday: Write your spelling words correctly in your agenda in alphabetical order.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Complete a spelling choice activity to turn in Thursday.
Thursday: Study!  These are challenging words!

1.     achieve
2.     excellent
3.     probably
4.     important
5.     because
6.     friend
7.     beginning
8.     believe
9.     restaurant
10. remember
11. against
12. separate
13. definitely
14. surprise
15. different
16. until
17. finally
18. enough
19. especially
20. sincerely

Monday-Wednesday: Complete a vocabulary choice activity.
Thursday: Study!  These are challenging words!

1.     feign (v): to fake, to pretend
2.     bawdy (adj): crude, dirty, naughty
3.     breadth (adj): width; extent; size in general
4.     dapple/dappled (n/adj): spotted horses; white spots on a horse/spotted
5.     ruffian (n): tough lawless person
6.     vermin (n): small, disgusting animals
7.     economical (adj): sparing; avoiding waste or extravagance
8.     avidly (adv): excitedly; enthusiastically
9.     irony (n): the opposite of what is expected; a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens; the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning
10. jaundiced (adj): yellow or yellowish as affected by an illness called jaundice
11. conjecture (n): assumption; opinion; speculation

Grammar: conjunctions, interjections, and prepositions

Your mystery genre skeleton is due no later than Friday!  No IRA is required this week.

Book Character Day Extra Credit: If you would like extra credit in reading, dress up as a book character, bring the book, and write a summary of your book!  (If it is a new “fifth grade” book that you want to count towards your 25-book goal, great.  If it isn’t, you can still get extra credit by following these directions.)

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