Monday, February 10, 2014

This Week's ELA

3rd 9 Weeks, Week 5

Spelling: Roots cred and jur/jus/jud
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday if you made less than 100% on last week’s spelling test. 
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday.  Use the worksheet with the definitions to help you study.

cred = ________________________________      jur/jus/jud = ___________________________________

1.     accreditation (n.) granting approval or believe in a school
2.     credential (n.) a document that proves a person is believable
3.     credible (adj.) believable; reliable
4.     credit (v.) to believe that someone will do something
5.     creditor (n.) a person who believes that he will be paid back the money that he loaned
6.     credulous (adj.) tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
7.     creed (n.) a set of religious beliefs or principles
8.     discredit (v.) to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue
9.     incredible (adj.) not believable; improbably; unlikely
10. incredulous (adj.) doubting; unwilling or unable to believe
11. justify (n.) to prove; to offer (especially as in excuses or reasons)
12.  justice (n.) fairness or rightfulness
13. judge (n.) a person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settle a controversy
14. perjury (n.) to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise; to break an oath
15. jurist (n.) an expert in law
16. justification (n.) the fact that is said to prove that something is true
17. abjure (n.) to give up rights; to recant
18. just (n.) lawful; fair
19. jury (n.) a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine the truth
20. jurisdiction (n.) the territory or land in which justice and laws are administered and followed

*Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on ANY of last week’s test (due Thurs.).
*Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

  1. defective (adj.) – having a flaw or weakness; not perfect
  2. tokens (n.) – pieces that mark movement on a board game
  3. reversed (v.) – moved in the opposite direction from what is usual
  4. rotated (v.) – turned around on an axis
  5. meteor (n.) – a mass of metal or rock that enters Earth’s atmosphere from space
  6. robot (n.) – a machine designed to do certain human tasks
  7. dangling (v.) – hanging loosely
  8.  staggered (v.) – moved unsteadily or with a swaying motion

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