Monday, February 17, 2014

This Week's ELA: Roots #7 and "Spirit of Endurance"

Check out this Quizlet to help you study your spelling this week!

Spelling: Roots bon/ben/bene and mal/male
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday. 
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday.  Use the definitions to help you study.

bon/ben/bene = ________________________________ mal/male = ___________________________________

1.    benediction (n.) a good blessing in a religious service
2.    benefactor (n.) a good person who offers help or donates money
3.    beneficial (adj.) having a good outcome; favorable
4.    beneficiary (n.) a person who receives something good from someone else, such as an inheritance
5.    benefit (v.) to gain or receive good results for something
6.    benevolent (adj.) kind; good-hearted
7.    benign (adj.) favorable; having a good effect; not harmful
8.    bonafide (adj.) in good faith; authentic; genuine; real
9.    bonus (n.) anything good that is received over and above what is expected (usually money)
10.         bon voyage (n.) French for “have a good trip”
11.         dismal (adj.) depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings
12.         malady (n.) bad health; illness; sickness
13.         malaria (n.) bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes
14.         malefactor (n.) an evildoer; a person who does bad things
15.         malevolent (adj.) a word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others
16.         malfeasance (n.) wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official
17.         malice (n.) mischief; evil intent; bad will
18.         malignant (adj.) harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer
19.         malnourished (adj.) having bad health or having poor nutrition
20.         malodorous (adj.) bad smell; stinky 

Vocabulary choice is due Thurs.
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.
1.    frigid: very cold
2.    treacherous: full of danger
3.    triumph: to be successful or win
4.    uninhabited: not lived in
5.    expedition: a journey with a specific purpose
6.    labor: hard work or toil
7.    dismantled: taken apart piece by piece
8.    abandon: to leave and not return

TESTED SKILLS/STRATEGIES: Word parts, base & roots, words with affixes (prefixes & suffixes); problem/solution

GRAMMA FOCUS: Adjectives & demonstrative adjectives

DITB #15 is due by Friday!

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