Thursday, February 27, 2014


Tomorrow is a half day for parent conferences!  Car riders will be dismissed around 11:30, with buses following (hopefully) before noon.

Cereal box fantasy genre projects are due tomorrow.  We are looking forward to sharing them!

Don't forget your DITB 16.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Finish spelling choices if you have them.

Work on your cereal box project due Friday!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Finish science WB p. 144-149.
Study for Cold War SS test!
Finish WOW.

Brain Rush

Have you tried Brain Rush?  It's a website that looks like fun!  Be sure to check out the ELA section to find Greek & Latin roots- among lots of other topics.  Let me know what you think!

Monday, February 24, 2014

This Week's ELA

3rd 9 Weeks, Week 7

Spelling: Greek/Latin Roots #8 bio and viv/vit
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday (if you made below 100% on Monday’s test).
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on FRIDAY.  Use the definitions to help you study.

bio = ________________________________ viv/vit = ___________________________________

1.     antibiotic (n.) a medicine used to save lives because it destroys harmful bacteria and cures infections
2.     biography (n.) a piece of writing about a person’s life written by someone else
3.     autobiography (n.) a piece of writing written by a person about his or her own life
4.     biology (n.) the study of living things
5.     biologist (n.) a person who studies living things
6.     biopsy (n.) the removal of living tissue from the body for a diagnostic examination
7.     macrobiotic diet (n.) a diet thought to help people to live longer because it focuses on natural foods
8.     neurobiology (n.) the study of the nervous system of living things and how it helps the living things learn and react
9.     symbiosis (n.) how two different living organisms live together and depend on each other
10. biosphere (n.) the zone of planet Earth where there is life (between the deep crust and the lower atmosphere)
11. revive (v.) to bring back to life again
12. revitalize (v.) to bring something back after it declined in condition or popularity; to breath new life into something
13. survival (n.) the ability to continue living
14. survivor (n.) a person who lives through a difficult event or experience
15. vitamin (n.) a tablet of substances that are thought to promote a healthy life
16. vital (adj.) necessary or essential to live
17. vitality (n.) quality or state of being full of life; state of being full of energy
18. vivid (adj.) “as big as life”; brightly colored; daring
19. vivacious (adj.) full of life; fun; lively; animated
20. viable (adj.) capable of surviving or living
*Don’t forget about vivisection (surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into animals to study organs, parts, or diseases)

VOCABULARY: The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 (#1)

Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through THURSDAY for your test on FRIDAY.

1.    demonstration - the act or circumstance of proving or being proved conclusively, as by reasoning or a show of evidence
2.    emulate - to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
3.    frostbite - injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme cold, sometimes progressing from initial redness and tingling to gangrene
4.    hostile - not friendly, warm, or generous; not hospitable, an enemy
5.    hypnotized - to frighten or startle so that movement is impossible
6.    incapable - not having the necessary ability, qualification, or strength to perform some specified act or function
7.    juvenile delinquent - a minor who cannot be controlled by parental authority and commits antisocial or criminal acts, as vandalism or violence
8.    miraculous - performed by or involving a supernatural power or agency
9.    panning - to criticize severely
10.         pomade - a scented ointment, esp. one used for the scalp or for dressing the hair
11.         punctual - strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt
12.         skimpy - lacking in size, fullness, etc.; too thrifty; stingy


Students really don't have written homework tonight that is due tomorrow, but please get a jump start (or even finish) on some of this week's assignments.

*Cold War Test Wed.
*WOW due Wed.
*Sp. choice for many; voc. choice for a few due Thurs.
*DITB 16 due Fri.

Please note that Friday is a half day for parent conferences.  If you requested one, you should have received the conference note back with your time confirmed.  I will add reminders to agendas tomorrow.  Thanks!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Students received their spelling & vocabulary list today.  Spelling choices are due FRIDAY for EVERYONE.  Tests will be Monday.

Finish reading "The Spirit of Endurance" if you didn't finish in class.

Study for tomorrow's ch. 6 science test!

Monday, February 17, 2014

This Week's ELA: Roots #7 and "Spirit of Endurance"

Check out this Quizlet to help you study your spelling this week!

Spelling: Roots bon/ben/bene and mal/male
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday. 
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday.  Use the definitions to help you study.

bon/ben/bene = ________________________________ mal/male = ___________________________________

1.    benediction (n.) a good blessing in a religious service
2.    benefactor (n.) a good person who offers help or donates money
3.    beneficial (adj.) having a good outcome; favorable
4.    beneficiary (n.) a person who receives something good from someone else, such as an inheritance
5.    benefit (v.) to gain or receive good results for something
6.    benevolent (adj.) kind; good-hearted
7.    benign (adj.) favorable; having a good effect; not harmful
8.    bonafide (adj.) in good faith; authentic; genuine; real
9.    bonus (n.) anything good that is received over and above what is expected (usually money)
10.         bon voyage (n.) French for “have a good trip”
11.         dismal (adj.) depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings
12.         malady (n.) bad health; illness; sickness
13.         malaria (n.) bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes
14.         malefactor (n.) an evildoer; a person who does bad things
15.         malevolent (adj.) a word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others
16.         malfeasance (n.) wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official
17.         malice (n.) mischief; evil intent; bad will
18.         malignant (adj.) harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer
19.         malnourished (adj.) having bad health or having poor nutrition
20.         malodorous (adj.) bad smell; stinky 

Vocabulary choice is due Thurs.
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.
1.    frigid: very cold
2.    treacherous: full of danger
3.    triumph: to be successful or win
4.    uninhabited: not lived in
5.    expedition: a journey with a specific purpose
6.    labor: hard work or toil
7.    dismantled: taken apart piece by piece
8.    abandon: to leave and not return

TESTED SKILLS/STRATEGIES: Word parts, base & roots, words with affixes (prefixes & suffixes); problem/solution

GRAMMA FOCUS: Adjectives & demonstrative adjectives

DITB #15 is due by Friday!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

For Friday

The plan right now is a 2-hour delay for school tomorrow.  If we don't get the cancelling call by 8:00, then we will proceed with whatever Valentine party we are able to throw together. :)  I for one am still planning on dressing up for our special day.  Hopefully the weather will allow us to return to school (and then enjoy the weekend).

If we are at school, then all assigned work in the agenda is due.  Our WWII SS test will be Friday.  We will take our spelling & vocabulary tests along with the story tests on MONDAY so that we can have some instruction/review on Friday.  Thanks for all your help over our snow days!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Plant Investigation

Since we are learning about the two types of plants, today we performed an investigation with white daisies, celery, clear water, and colored water.  Students wrote their hypotheses and then observed the two groups ever hour, recording their observations.



Parents, please do not be alarmed by all the work in the agenda this week!  I am very concerned about the possibility of snow and missing crucial days of school before the CRCT.  Mr. Steppe & Mrs. Cook have asked us to send home as much as we can today on the chance that we will be out. Hopefully this will be a weather "non-event," but to be safe I've tried hard to include everything I can for this week today.  None of the assigned work should be extremely difficult!  If we are out on a day that an assignment is due, then it is due whenever we return.  Thanks so very much for your help with this!  I am trying to help us stay on top of things and not get too far behind schedule.

I have explained to the students that they should complete the work on the day that it is written in their agenda.  If we are at school, some of the work in the agenda will be finished at school.  Somethings, like tests/quizzes, can only be completed at school.

Our Valentine party will be a brunch at 9:30 on Friday unless we aren't at school that day.  Thanks to everyone who volunteered to send in something yummy!

Students have their instructions now for completing their fantasy cereal box genre project.

Math WB p. 146 & p. 150
Study for SS WWII test (Tues.).
We started the "Make a Difference" informational writing in class today.  The rough draft is due Thursday.
Also, students know who has what to do for spelling & vocabulary choices this week.

AMP, AME, and/or AMC
Sci. WB p. 130-135
Finish Number the Stars final project.
Read "Zathura" in the Treasurers reading book.
Finish WOW.
*SS WWII test

Re-read "Zathura."  Be sure you can answer the questions on p. 383.  You don't have to write your answers.
Finish informational rough draft.
Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices.
*Module 14 math quiz

Read p. 384-385 in Treasures book.
Finish DITB 13.
Study spelling & vocabulary!

This Week's ELA

3rd 9 Weeks, Week 5

Spelling: Roots cred and jur/jus/jud
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday if you made less than 100% on last week’s spelling test. 
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday.  Use the worksheet with the definitions to help you study.

cred = ________________________________      jur/jus/jud = ___________________________________

1.     accreditation (n.) granting approval or believe in a school
2.     credential (n.) a document that proves a person is believable
3.     credible (adj.) believable; reliable
4.     credit (v.) to believe that someone will do something
5.     creditor (n.) a person who believes that he will be paid back the money that he loaned
6.     credulous (adj.) tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
7.     creed (n.) a set of religious beliefs or principles
8.     discredit (v.) to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue
9.     incredible (adj.) not believable; improbably; unlikely
10. incredulous (adj.) doubting; unwilling or unable to believe
11. justify (n.) to prove; to offer (especially as in excuses or reasons)
12.  justice (n.) fairness or rightfulness
13. judge (n.) a person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settle a controversy
14. perjury (n.) to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise; to break an oath
15. jurist (n.) an expert in law
16. justification (n.) the fact that is said to prove that something is true
17. abjure (n.) to give up rights; to recant
18. just (n.) lawful; fair
19. jury (n.) a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine the truth
20. jurisdiction (n.) the territory or land in which justice and laws are administered and followed

*Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on ANY of last week’s test (due Thurs.).
*Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

  1. defective (adj.) – having a flaw or weakness; not perfect
  2. tokens (n.) – pieces that mark movement on a board game
  3. reversed (v.) – moved in the opposite direction from what is usual
  4. rotated (v.) – turned around on an axis
  5. meteor (n.) – a mass of metal or rock that enters Earth’s atmosphere from space
  6. robot (n.) – a machine designed to do certain human tasks
  7. dangling (v.) – hanging loosely
  8.  staggered (v.) – moved unsteadily or with a swaying motion

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Be sure to study for all of the reading tests tomorrow!  You need to know the meanings of last week's (mis/mit and port) words and this week's graph and scrib/script words.  You also need to know how to spell this week's words.  In addition to the Number the Stars vocabulary test, there will also be a test over the book.

Many students have AM HW to help them practice current (or past!) math skills.

DITB 12 and the extra credit "animal" science project are also due Friday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Thanks to all the students who turned in WOWs today! My apologies for not printing them form.  Any WOWs not turned in tomorrow will result in a late penalty.

We finished reading Number the Stars today!  The kids loved it and learned so much.  They have received a final project assignment that we will work on in class (although parts may need to be finished at home).  It is due by next Wed. 2/12.

Spelling choices are due tomorrow for everyone.

Continue to work on your science extra credit (invented animal).

*Please sign and return the compact that you should have received in the mail.


We just received a memo from the Board of Education, and 2/17 will be a REGULAR SCHOOL DAY to make up for one of our snow days.  Remember that 2/14 is also a regular school day now to make up another missed snow day.

The Board has yet to determine when students will make up their two remaining missed days.  I will share when I know.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Possessive Nouns E-Games

Level 1:
Possessive Nouns Quiz

Level 2:
Possessive Nouns Exploring Game

Level 3:
Using Apostrophes 1

Using Apostrophes 2

Special "Guests"

We had these famous people show up in class today to tell about their lives (AKA the biography dress up project):
From left to right: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lebron James, Piri (WWII survivor), Princess Diana, and Jane Goodall

Orville & Wilbur Wright

Monday, February 3, 2014


*Please scroll down because I have added multiple posts today!

For homework, please finish any old AM.  You know who you are!
Work on your spelling choice and study both last week's words and this week's words.  (Please see this week's directions.)

If you haven't read at least 3 books already, then please READ!

This Week's ELA

You can go online at Quizlet to study our spelling words!
port and mis/mit
graph and scrib/script

3rd 9 Weeks, Week 4

Spelling: Roots port and miss/mit (definitions) AND roots graph and scrib/script
*STUDY both word sets- last week’s and this week’s!  Everyone has a required choice this week for graph and scrib/script.
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on Friday (graph and scrib/script).  You will also test on the port and miss/mit definitions (due to our snow days).

graph = _____________________________________ scrib/script = _____________________________________

1.              autobiography (n.) writing about a person’s life written by that person
2.              autograph (n.) the writing of one’s own name
3.              bibliography (n.) the written list of all the books or sources used in a report or book
4.              biography (n.) a book written about a person’s life
5.              cartography (n.) mapmaking; the writing involved in making maps and charts
6.              homograph (n.) a word written the same way as another word but having a different meaning (i.e. bow – hair and bow – ship)
7.              paragraph (n.) a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence
8.              phonograph (n.) record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound
9.              photography (n.) the use of light to record an image using a camera
10.          seismograph (n.) a device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth
11.          describe (v.) to say or write down how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing
12.          inscription (n.) a short dedication written in a book or engraved on something, such as a coin or monument
13.          manuscript (n.) a piece of writing; a book
14.          postscript (n.) P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished
15.          prescription (n.) a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy
16.          scribble (n.) sloppy writing that is hard to read
17.          scribe (n.) a person who writes things down
18.          script (n.) a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out
19.          subscription (n.) a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time
20.          transcribe (v.) to write down or record; to translate

*This week’s vocabulary is a continuation of last week’s (Number the Stars).  You do NOT have a vocabulary choice due this week.

*WOWs are due Wednesday, and DITB 12 is due Friday.