Monday, May 25, 2015

Welcome to Mrs. Dyer's 5th Grade Class!

Dear rising 5th grader and family,
       Welcome to 5th grade!  I’m excited to be working with you and look forward to a successful, positive year together.  It’s going to be great! I can't wait to meet you!  Feel free to email me this summer so that I can get to know you better and visit my class website (info below).  Our first day of school will be Friday, August 7.
         Fifth grade is academically challenging yet full of rewards that come with responsibility. It is very important for students to maintain skills over the summer, especially multiplication tables (0-12).  You'll definitely need to know them in 5th grade math.  You can easily practice your math skills in the kitchen (measurement) and figuring out totals/making change while shopping.  Plus there are lots of fun, free math websites (see mine for links).
       Please continue to read and write over the summer. You can find lots of interesting books and magazines at the public library.  I encourage you to write in a journal this summer.  Entries could include places you go, things you do, etc.  I’d love to get to know you better, so feel free to send me an email.  Continuing to read and write will help you maintain fluency in these important areas.
       You can also continue to work on SuccessMaker this summer.  You can access it either from the UC Schools website or from my blog.
         I anticipate a successful 5th grade year full of growth and discovery, and I know you do, too.  Please be sure to look over the attached suggested supply list.  Students need to come to school prepared each day.  Organization, responsibility, accountability, and hard work will lead to success.
         I look forward to working closely with each of you.  Research and past experience indicate that students are more successful when parents take an active role in their children's education.  I’m counting on you.  See you in August!  Have a safe and happy summer.

Mrs. Haley Dyer (
P.S.  Visit our class blog at and leave me a comment! 

Suggested Supply List for Mrs. Haley Dyer, Grade 5                       2015-16

·      a good attitude and a willingness to work hard and to try
·      3-ring binder that will hold 5 tabs, notebook paper, and agenda
·      five tabbed dividers to use for reading (red), English/language arts (orange), social studies (yellow), science (green), and math (blue) [Please put some notebook paper behind each tab.]
·      5+ packs of loose leaf notebook paper - wide ruled
·      a spiral notebook (100 or more pages) for math
·      number 2 pencils (If managing lead becomes a problem, mechanical pencils will be prohibited.)
·      colored pencils
·      glue stick
·      scissors
·      a red, blue, and orange folder with prongs (plastic folders last longer)
·      another pronged folder with 25 sheets of paper and a pencil for Technology

HELPFUL HOME RESOURCES (optional): ruler, scissors, glue, dictionary, thesaurus

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