Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This Week's ELA: Roots #14 and ELA CRCT Vocabulary

4th 9 Weeks, Week 4    4/14/14

Spelling: Greek/Latin Roots #14 phon, phono, phone and strain, strict, string
*Spelling choice activity due Thursday (if you made below 100% on Friday’s test).
*Quizlet.org is a great online site to study the meanings of these words.
*You need to know the definitions of these words as well as how to spell them for the tests on FRIDAY.  Use the definitions to help you study.

phon, phono, phone = __________________________ strain, strict, string = _____________________________

1.              cacophony (n.) harsh sounds; bad noise
2.              dysphonia (n.) difficulty producing speech sounds, usually due to hoarseness
3.              euphonic (adj.) having a nice sound; pleasant combination of sounds in words
4.              gramophone (n.) a device used to play sounds of music as written on records
5.              homophone (n.) a word that has the same sound but a different meaning as another word
6.              megaphone (n.) a large funnel-shaped device used to make the voice sound louder by directing the sound waves straight out to listeners
7.              microphone (n.) a device used to make small voices sound larger, especially in a big room
8.              phonics (n.) the sounds that letters make and the letters that are used to represent sounds
9.              phonology (n.) the student of speech sounds in language
10.          saxophone (n.) a woodwind instrument that sends out sounds through its curved, metal body
11.          astringent (n.) a substance used on skin to make the skin tight
12.          boa constrictor (n.) a snake that kills its prey by squeezing it tightly
13.          constrict (v.) to hold in; to make smaller; to squeeze or bind to make smaller
14.          district (n.) a region or area that is bound together by specific rules, laws, resources, and/or money
15.          restrain (v.) to hold back; to keep under control; to limit; to draw tight by force
16.          restricted (adj.) bound by limits; kept within certain rules
17.          strain (v.) to draw or stretch tight beyond the normal limits
18.          strainer (n.) a device used for letting the water leave the food so the food is drawn together
19.          string (n.) a thin piece of twisted fiber that can be used to tie things together
20.          stringent (adj.) demanding strict attention to rules; rigid; having a tight set of rules

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

CRCT English/                                       Name/#: _______________________________________________________
Language Arts Vocabulary                                                                 Test Friday, 4/18/14

1.              interjection: a word or cry expressing sudden or strong feeling (“Ouch!” or “Wow!”)

2.              modifier: a word (adjective or adverb) or group of words (a phrase or clause) used with another word or group of words to limit its meaning or describe in more detail

3.              preposition: begins phrases that show relationships (to, with, from, in, etc.)

4.              almanac: a book containing a calendar of days, weeks, and months and usually facts about the rising and the setting of the sun and moon, changes in the tides, and information of general interest

5.              appendix: additional material attached at the end of a piece of writing

6.              bibliography (or bibliographic references): a list of writings about a subject or author or by an author; used to cite references in a work of non-fiction

7.              citation: an act or instance of quoting; quotation

8.              endnotes: citation of a quote (author, title, page, etc.) at the end of a chapter or text

9.              footnotes: citation of a quote (author, title, page, etc.) placed at the bottom of the page on which the quote appears

10.           characterization: the creation of characters (as in a book or play); the way the author reveals the different aspects of the characters to the reader

11.           explicit: so clear in statement that there is no doubt about the meaning

12.           implicit: understood though not put clearly into words (an implicit agreement); being without doubt (implicit trust)

13.           extraneous: not forming a necessary part; not necessary; extra; irrelevant

14.           relevant: having something to do with the matter being considered; pertinent

15.           chronological order: arranged in or according to the order of time

16.           suspense: pleasant excitement caused by wondering what will happen

17.           foreshadow: to give a hint or suggestions of beforehand

18.           palindrome: a word, phrase, sentence, or a number that reads the same forward and backward (“Step on no pets” and 1991)

19.           pun: the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or of words having the same sound but different meanings

20.           appositive: the second of a pair of nouns or noun equivalents (The turtle, Franklin, is a storybook character.)

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