Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Thank you to everyone who helped with our class party today!  We had a lot of fun!!!

Don't forget about the Tales project and the ch. 4 science test (both tomorrow).

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Please scroll down for info on our "used book exchange" party on Thursday.

Our movie trip is tomorrow, and 3 students still need to bring their permission slips.  No slip, no trip!  Also, if you can send in the $6 we would appreciate it.

Our class party is tomorrow at 12:45 (slight time change).  Please send in goodies if you signed up.  Thanks!

Work on AM to meet 75 objective goal.
Study for ch. 4 science test Thurs.
Work on tales project due Thurs.

Used Book Exchange Party Thursday!

When I shared the idea of a gently used book swap party, most of the kids really wanted to participate.  No one is required to participate, but if you'd like to, read on...

  • Choose a gently used paperback book with no missing pages, etc., that you are willing to see go to a good home.  (Please make sure the book is in good condition with no writing in it. If your name is in the book, please black it out.)  
  • Wrap the book so we don't know what it is.  (If it's a "girly" book and you want to wrap it in "girly" paper, you can, but you don't have to!)
  • Bring in your wrapped book tomorrow or Thursday to participate in a fun exchange Thursday.

NOTE: If you have extra books that you would like to contribute for students who forget or are unable, you would really be helping us all out!  Thank you!

Monday, December 14, 2015


Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend today's readers theater tales performances!  We have had a 3 STAR DAY, which is pretty awesome!  Everyone earned 3 Dojo points after school because it has been such a great day.

Work on AM if you don't have 75 objectives (our semester goal; due by Friday).
Finish sci. WB p. 86-87 if you didn't finish in class.
Finish SS WB p. 35-36 " " " " " ".
Work on Tales project (due Thurs.)!
This week's/semester SRA goal is 12.  (Students may come in early and stay in at recess if they need extra time; I cannot send SRA home.)

Upcoming events:
Movie field trip Wed. ($6): NO SLIP, NO TRIP!  Get those permission slips turned in!
Class party Wed. at 12:45 (slight time change).
Friday is our club day with hot chocolate sales ($1).
Friday is also holiday early release day, and students will be dismissed around 11:30.  Both breakfast and lunch will be served at school.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Computer Coding for Students

In our Keyboarding specials class, students got to participate in the Hour of Code where they began to learn and practice basic computer coding.  Here is a link to a blog article about coding for kids that I found interesting and that includes links for coding for kids websites.  Click HERE to read the article and access the websites!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

This Week's ELA: The Spirit of Endurance

Spelling & Vocabulary “Spirit of Endurance”

Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 90% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     margin
2.     jolt
3.     surge
4.     plunge
5.     jigsaw
6.     legend
7.     ridge
8.     budge
9.     lodge
10.  agent
11.  damage
12.  ranger
13.  jumble
14.  luggage
15.  baggage
16.  dodge
17.  challenge
18.  journal
19.  judgment
20.  knowledge

Challenge: oxygen, surgeon

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.
1.     frigid: very cold
2.     treacherous: full of danger
3.     triumph: to be successful or win
4.     uninhabited: not lived in
5.     expedition: a journey with a specific purpose
6.     labor: hard work or toil
7.     dismantled: taken apart piece by piece
8.     abandon: to leave and not return

TESTED SKILLS/STRATEGIES: Word parts, base & roots, words with affixes (prefixes & suffixes); problem/solution

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives & demonstrative adjectives

*Your TALES project is due no later than December 17!

You Are Invited!

We would like to cordially invite you to our "International Readers Theater" presentation on Monday, Dec. 14, at 10 AM in the band room downstairs.  Readers Theater is similar to a drama production but with extremely limited props/costumes and actors read their parts (instead of memorizing them).  Also, parents, if you can only come to one activity that week, please choose the Readers Theater production.  Our class party is really for the kids, not so much the parents.  (Of course you are welcome to both, but the Thursday event is more for parents.)

4-H Canned Food Drive through 12/18

4-H is sponsoring a canned food drive to help fill our local food pantry.  We have a collection box in our classroom and can accept donations through 12/18.  (Please make sure items have not expired.)  Mr. Jennings also announced that an anonymous donor will be matching a $1 donation for each item, so your item(s) will go even further.  Now is a great time to think of others!  Below are suggestions, but any nonperishable item is welcome.

As an added incentive to help others, 4-H is offering a pizza party to the class that donates the most items.  Whether we win or not, we know how good it feels to help others.  To encourage participation, students may also earn a Class Dojo "Helping Others" point for each item they bring in. 

(If you haven't signed up for Class Dojo, I will be happy to resend your log in information if you need it.)

Monday, December 7, 2015


In honor of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we watched a few short clips at  Students may watch one of the longer featured films for extra credit IF they turn in a written summary of what they watched (due by Friday).

Also in honor of St. Nicholas Day yesterday, I told the students the French legend of St. Nicholas and about French winter holiday traditions.  We enjoyed a sampling of a mini buche de Noel or Yule Log.  (I was a French teacher prior to teaching 5th grade, so I enjoy sharing a bit of the French language and culture when I can.)

Unfortunately, seven students got their name on the board for not returning their signed tales rubric.  Today is the second day that it is late.  Please help your child with this responsibility!


Finish sci WB p. 72-77 if you didn't finish during groups.

Write spelling in ABC or ZYX order in your agenda.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Students are no longer allowed to bring sports balls in their hands on the bus or in car rider.  They may bring them IF they are zipped up in their book bags.  Parents are welcome to bring a ball here to school to leave in the classroom for recess.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Fuse Box Circuit Builder & Circuit Videos

Electrical Circuits video

Electrical Circuits for Kids video

Click HERE to go to the Fuse Box online circuit builder site.

Cookie Dough Orders 12/8

Cookie Dough Pickup scheduled for next Tuesday, December 8th, in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 5:30.  Please come prepared to pick up your orders.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Newsletter

Mrs. Dyer’s Monthly Memo: December 2015

Study Hall
Math: finish decimal operations unit and begin fractions
Language Arts: informational writing (winter holidays around the world)
Reading genre: Read and compare/contrast at least two folk tales for this month's genre project.  Your Venn diagram is due no later than 12/17. (Because of the holiday break and end of the semester, I cannot accept any late projects.  You can certainly turn these in early!)
Social Studies: The Roaring 20s, the Great Depression, and the New Deal
Science: magnetism & electricity (ch. 4)

Thank You! 

Thank you so very much to our volunteers who helped make our craft day such a success!  We couldn’t have done it without Daysha’s mom, Isaiah’s mom, and Brady’s dad!
 We also appreciate the “stocking stuffers” and party items you are sending in.  We have 24 students (16 boys/8 girls).  I have a separate letter/blog post with this info.

Upcoming Events
Fifth grade will be going to see our high school drama production of "A Fairytale Christmas Carol" on Friday, 12/4, at 11:30.  (Sorry, this special showing isn't open to the public, but you can see the performance on Thursday, 12/3 or Saturday, 12/5, at 6:30 PM!) 

We need “stocking stuffers” if you can send any in for our party on 12/16.  Please see the additional letter about these.  Thanks!
The end of the 2nd nine weeks/semester is 12/18. 
The newsletter dates are accurate at the time of printing, but things sometimes change.  Be sure to check your child's agenda daily.  I will also post information on the class blog. 
 Happy birthday to Jaylen on 12/3 and Cole on 12/21!

News You Can Use
We have started using Class Dojo to monitor, improve, and reward behavior.  You should have received a parent and student invitation with your private, personal code to access your child’s progress in Tuesday's folder.  We can even communicate with each other via Class Dojo! 
With the weather turning colder, please note that students must have proper attire (coats; NO shorts, flip flops, etc.) to go outside to play.  Our policy is to go out to play unless it is wet or below 40o (including wind chill).  Please be sure all coats are labeled in case they get left somewhere.  Each morning in the gym and at various other appropriate times, students are reminded to take their coats with them.  Lost & found is in the gym.
Check out, a one-stop-shop for parents as a website and mobile app.  The goals of this free toolkit are to give parents a clear understanding of what is expected of their children at each step in their academic journey, and to provide a comprehensive set of tips and tools to help parents engage in and monitor their children’s academic development.       
Please continue to sign agenda nightly (Mon.-Fri.).

Important Dates
12/1     Tales project signed/returned
12/4     Tales must be approved; "A Fairytale Christmas Carol" @ Fine Arts Center
12/16   movie field trip ($6); last day for Brainpop extra credit; class party @ 12:30
12/17   Last day to turn in folk tale genre project (Venn diagram)! 
12/18   Last day of 2nd 9 weeks!  Early release day/last day!  Happy holidays!