Thursday, February 28, 2013


Finish genre project (triple Venn diagram)!

Study for tomorrow's ELA tests.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Finish your math coordinate plane art project.  It is due THURSDAY, NOT Friday!

Finish spelling and/or vocabulary choices IF you did not make 100% on last week's test(s).

Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day.  Smile!

CPA Congratulations

Our students did such a great job giving their CPA presentations!  I am proud of each and every one of them.  The topics were interesting, and everyone worked hard.

Our boy winners are:
1st: Will
2nd: Connor and Nathan
3rd:Matthew and Kane

Our girl winners are:
1st: Jordan
2nd: Evelyn
3rd: Isabella and Madison

Way to go!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


*Get ready for CPA tomorrow for the judge!

Finish Coach math WB p. 237-238.

Finish WOW.

Monday, February 25, 2013

This Week's ELA

Unit 5, Week 4: “The Unbreakable Code”

SPELLING Suffixes:
Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Tuesday:  Write your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     emptiness
2.     gladness
3.     bottomless
4.     foolishness
5.     harmless
6.     fullness
7.     fierceness
8.     darkness
9.     effortless
10.  forgiveness
11.  motionless
12.  stillness
13.  sadness
14.  needless
15.  fearless
16.  hopeless
17.  ceaseless
18.  weakness
19.  meaningless
20.  fondness

Challenge words: weightlessness, thoughtlessness

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.

1.     enlisted: (v) joined the military voluntarily
2.     invasion: (n) entering of an army into a region to conquer it
3.     location: (n) an exact position or place
4.     corridor: (n) a long, narrow hallway or passageway
5.     shield: (n) a person or thing that protects against danger, injury, or distress
6.     sagged: (v) drooped down in the middle from weight
7.     reservation: (n) land set aside by a government for a special purpose, such as for Native American tribes to live on
8.     creased: (adj) characterized by lines or marked by wrinkling

Tested Skill: Generating questions & author’s perspective

Grammar Focus: Comparative Adjectives

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dr. Seuss Week

Monday: Wear green for Green Eggs & Ham
Tuesday: Fox and CRAZY Socks
Wednesday: CPA (Dress for CPA.)
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: Wacky Tacky for Dr. Seuss's birthday!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fieldstone Pals

We are very blessed to have the support of Fieldstone Fun World & Cinemas here at UCES!  Each month, teachers get to select a Super Student who receives a Fieldstone Prize Pack.  Our winners (so far) are:
Isabella and
Thank you, Fieldstone!


Work on CPA speeches!  Many students need to add more information.  Their speeches should be about 5 minutes long.  Practice each & every day until Wednesday when you present for the judge. 

I told students that they could leave their posters/presentation boards here at school unless they wanted to take them home to work on them.

Live Binders

Have you heard of the online organizational tool, Live Binders?  It's new to me, so I would love some feedback if you've tried it or when you do.  The site says you can collect your resources, organize them, and even present them.  Apparently it works like a binder with tabs, but it's all web-based.  I'd love to hear your feedback on this site if you use it.

Did I mention that it's FREE?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Study for Fractions Operations Unit Test!  It will be FRIDAY instead of today.
*Students who are behind in AM have extra homework to help them prepare for their test Friday.  Thanks for your understanding.

Sci. Ch. 6 test will be Thurs.  Study!

Finish spelling &/or vocabulary choices (if you made less than 100% on either test).

*Social studies Ch. 17 & 18 test will be next Tuesday.  We have been learning about the Civil Rights movement and changes in the 1960s and 1970s (television, space exploration, and more).

Social Studies Videos: 1950s & 60s

* Television Takes the World By Storm

Television In Living Color

The Origins of Television

* The Space Race 

Check Out Professor Garfield!

Professor Garfield (as in Garfield the Cat) has an interactive, educational website!  I would love for you to check it out and give me some feedback.  Click HERE!

This Week's ELA

 Unit 5, Week 3: A Historic Journey

SPELLING: Prefixes dis-, mis-, and in- (“not”) and pre- (“before”)
Tuesday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).Write your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     prewash
2.     disable
3.     discolor
4.     mistaken
5.     preheats
6.     mistrust
7.     incorrect
8.     disconnect
9.     preview
10.  prejudge
11.  misjudge
12.  discomfort
13.  dismount
14.  misunderstand
15.  disobey
16.  dishonest
17.  injustice
18.  disapprove
19.  inexpensive
20.  indefinite

*Challenge words: prehistoric, misbehave

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.
1.     instill: (v) to put in or introduce little by little
2.     combined: (adj) characterized by being joined together or united; (v) joined together, united
3.     naturalist: (n) a person who specializes in the study of things in nature, especially plants and animals
4.     vacant: (adj) not having anyone or anything in it; empty
5.     diverse: (adj) not all the same; varied


GRAMMAR FOCUS: adjectives that compare

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


You will need your speech (preferably on note cards) and your posters for your CPA in-class ("dress rehearsal") presentations Friday morning.  If posters are acceptable, students can leave them in class until their presentations for the judges on Wed., 2/27.

Study for Fractions Operations Unit Test!

Sci. Ch. 6 test will be Thurs.  Study!

Finish WOW.
Finish ELA WB. p. 55.

Sp. in REVERSE ABC order (#1 would be Z and #20 would be A), or as one of the students said, CBA order.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ms. Brown and I would like to thank everyone for our sweet Valentines and for all of the yummy Valentine party treats!  We love our class!

*Finish Coach Math p. 176-177.  (Fractions test will be Wed.)

*Finish CPA report!

Study for spelling & vocabulary tests.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


We will be having Valentine refreshments in the morning, so if you volunteered to send in something please bring in first thing.  If you are giving out Valentines, please bring them tomorrow if you haven't already!

Finish math Coach WB p. 174-175.

Finish sp. & vocabulary choices (if required).

Don't forget that CPA reports are due Friday!  These do not have to be neat, perfect copies, but they do need to be legible.  Also, please write the time it took to read aloud your speech at the end of your report.  This will help all of us know if you have enough information or not.

In class today, Ms. Brown discussed some of the themes in our basal selection, Weslandia.  Here's a great quotation to go along with her lesson.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Coach Math p. 174-175 due Thurs.

Ch. 6 science test will be given next week.

Finish WOW.

*Please sign & return progress report and signed papers.  Also complete & return the parent survey.  Benchmark letters are for you to keep. 

3-2-1: If students bring everything back tomorrow (progress report, survey, and signed papers), they will receive 3 stickers for their behavior chart, then 2 stickers if they bring everything back Thurs., and 1 sticker for bringing everything back Fri.  Thanks for your help with this little incentive! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Coach math p. 156-157 due Friday.  Students MAY write in this WB.

Finish sp. & vocab. choices.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Make AM corrections if you have them.  Anyone who didn't scan their HW from last night had better have it ready in the morning!

Finish WOW.

Finish 3x each if assigned (85% or less on last week's test).

Work on spelling and/or vocab choices (due Th.).

*Please sign & return signed papers.  Keep the February newsletter at home.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Finish AM if you did not get your work scanned in class today.

Finish CPA intro.  This is your introductory paragraph only, not your entire speech.  You need to HOOK your audience plus introduce yourself and your topic.  Tell us the three (or so) main points that you are going to make in your presentation.

Write spelling words in ABC order in your agenda.

Begin spelling choices for everyone but one (due Thurs.).  A few also have vocab choices due Thursday.

This Week's Spelling & Vocab

Spelling & Vocabulary Unit 5, Week 1: “Spirit of Endurance”

Monday: Write spelling words CORRECTLY in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).
Tuesday:  Write your spelling words 3x each IF YOU MADE 85 OR BELOW on last week’s test (due Wed.)!
Wednesday: Finish a spelling choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test or this week’s pretest (due Thurs.).
Study your spelling words Monday – Thursday for your test on Friday!

1.     margin
2.     jolt
3.     surge
4.     plunge
5.     jigsaw
6.     legend
7.     ridge
8.     budge
9.     lodge
10.  agent
11.  damage
12.  ranger
13.  jumble
14.  luggage
15.  baggage
16.  dodge
17.  challenge
18.  journal
19.  judgment
20.  knowledge

Challenge: oxygen, surgeon

Complete a vocabulary choice if you made less than 100% on last week’s test (due Thurs.).
Study vocabulary words and definitions each night Monday through Thursday for your test on Friday.
1.     frigid: very cold
2.     treacherous: full of danger
3.     triumph: to be successful or win
4.     uninhabited: not lived in
5.     expedition: a journey with a specific purpose
6.     labor: hard work or toil
7.     dismantled: taken apart piece by piece
8.     abandon: to leave and not return

TESTED SKILLS/STRATEGIES: Word parts, base & roots, words with affixes (prefixes & suffixes); problem/solution

GRAMMA FOCUS: Adjectives & demonstrative adjectives

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cell Projects

Students (and parents?) did such a great job on the cell model science project!  Here they are in no particular order.  (Sorry if I left anyone off!)

Friday, February 1, 2013

*A Note About Grades*

For the last few days, I have been having trouble with my Power School grade book not opening.  This problem should be resolved in the next few days with upgrades, etc., but for those of you who check, I wanted you to be aware that it's temporarily suspended.  As soon as possible, grades will be entered.  Thanks for your patience.