"The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without a teacher." ~Elbert Hubbard
Monday, April 30, 2012
Finish SS Ch. 12 QUESTIONS. (Read L. 4 and answer the questions.)
Work on poetry genre project- due Friday!
Have you read at least 4 books this nine weeks?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
If you have not yet returned pictures or picture money, please do so ASAP.
Finish AME and any corrections. (We are reviewing skills from early in the year to help prep for Friday's big test.)
Study language arts for ELA CRCT tomorrow!
Wed. 4/25 ELA (English/Language Arts)
Fri. 4/27 Math
Tues. 5/1 Sci.
Th. 5/3 SS
Thank you to everyone who has sent in snacks or drinks! We really appreciate your help to help our kids do their very best.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Finish DITB 27.
Study for spelling/vocabulary tests!
*Field Day t-shirt orders/$$ due Fri.
**Please return pictures and/or picture $$ ASAP! Thanks!
UCMS Parent Night for rising 6th graders (That's you!) will be 5/14 @ 6 PM. You'll get a flyer in next week's folders about it, but go ahead and mark your calendars now to plan to attend.
Don't forget about BrainPop extra credit!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Snacks & Drinks Needed for CRCT
Suggestions include:
small bottled water
small juice boxes
cheese crackers
plain crackers
trail mix (NO PEANUTS)
granola bars
small raisin boxes
teddy grahams
fruit roll ups
Goldfish crackers
We cannot accept any snacks with peanuts or tree nuts. Thank you very much for your help!
Work on SS. Ch. 11, L. 4 & 5 WS (due Th.)
Finish WOW.
Please sign and return signed papers and progress reports.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tonight's HW:
*Finish SS Ch. 11 L. 4 & L. 5 vocab.
*Finish reading vocabulary definitions.
*Write spelling in ABC order in agenda.
This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary: Unit 6, Week 4
Spelling & Vocabulary, Unit 6, Week 4: “Up in the Air”
Spelling: Number Prefixes uni-, bi-, tri-, and cent-
1. tripod
2. triplet
3. unicorn
4. uniform
5. unison
6. biweekly
7. triple
8. bicycle
9. tricycle
10. unicycle
11. triangle
12. bisect
13. trio
14. unify
15. centipede
16. centimeter
17. century
18. binoculars
19. universe
20. university
*bilingual, trilogy
1. launched
2. particles
3. dense
4. inflate
5. anchored
6. companion
7. hydrogen
8. scientific
Friday, April 6, 2012
This Month's Genre: Poetry
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Review all science vocabulary definitions.
Finish sp/voc WS.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary: Unit 6, Week 3
Spelling & Vocabulary: Unit 6, Week 3
1. atlas
2. cereal
3. clothes
4. cycle
5. cyclone
6. echo
7. fortune
8. furious
9. fury
10. gigantic
11. gracious
12. January
13. lunar
14. mortal
15. ocean
16. Olympics
17. parasol
18. salute
19. terrace
20. territory
1. elementary: (adj) dealing with the simple parts or beginning of something
2. physical: (adj) having to do with the body
3. interact: (v) to act upon one another
4. rigid: (adj) not changing; fixed
5. wheelchair: (n) a chair on wheels that is used by someone who cannot walk from one place to another
Monday, April 2, 2012
Finish reading SS Ch. 11 L 2 and complete L1 & L2 vocab (if you haven't already).
Finish reading vocabulary (unit 6, week 3).
Write sp in ABC order in agenda.